Stranded II
Can't play normal.
Can't play normal.
1 reply Ok, so, i downloaded S2 and extracted, after that when i started it, i played a bit, everything seemed to work fine, but suddently the game shut down and it says something like an error massage to upgrade my video accelaration, and then my resolution changed and then my desktop background gone...
And when i start my computer it says something like the system could not work fine or something...
And that happens only when i have S2...
What is the problem...?
I wanna play
DC Admin
update your video card drivers and directx. or play with another resolution/lower settings (read the faq thread for more information).
it might also help to try the windowed/fullscreen mode.
you also need a directx 7 or higher videocard with at least 32 mb for Stranded II. otherwise it will probably not run fast enough.