nope, you're right (sadly)
several people tried, but we didn't got anything together.
Additional, S2Ext is currently in a little overhaul, so it may take a while 'til the team itself is willing to do anything about this
Hey Maybe All Of The Files Translate It In Google Babel Fish Hey Bizzl Cool Web Of Yours
Kirby Fan No 1 nrealsoftware
Hey DC Can You Let Me Borrow Your Model I Meen Items
That S2Model.rar If You Would
it would be easier, i think, if some of us germans who CAN speak english try to translate it. Translation Upgrades would only be used, if the word is not known...
by the way: i think you write a signature under your text? if you want it to be there everytime, pls klick on your name in the Interactive tab and write it to the Signature space
I heard the word "buying" in association with S2Ext, right?
Note that you mustn't sell S2Ext and you mustn't fork S2Ext and sell your derived translated version. This would contradict the license and therefore violate the copyright of all S2Ext auhors. If you want to translate it, post it on their forum, they will merge it into the official release.
But that's just a notice, maybe I just understood you wrong (you are very hard to understand)
I have tried to translate it before... Sadly, I don't know much German, even though I have a little experience with it...
I have however been able to translate some of combinations with great success... unfortanitly I gave up heart and deleted the folder along with the translation...