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English U.S.G.N. offline due to DDoS attack

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old closed U.S.G.N. offline due to DDoS attack

Admin Off Offline

The U.S.G.N. master server is currently being attacked via a DDoS attack. Someone is flooding big amounts of medium sized UDP packets from many different IPs in a high frequency.

The server can't handle this load so I currently can't do anything. This attack may also make the whole website unavailable depending on how long and strong it goes on.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

@Attacker: I understand your motives but this leads to nothing. You are currently destroying a free independent game service, violating a bunch of laws. Do you hate PC games that much? This is madness.
edited 1×, last 20.07.16 11:09:41 am

old Re: U.S.G.N. offline due to DDoS attack

Mami Tomoe
User Off Offline

[23:52:20] USGN Hacker Reporter *DEAD*: INOCENT USERS
[23:52:45] USGN Hacker Reporter *DEAD*: HAVE A NICE DAY
[23:52:52] USGN Hacker Reporter has left the game

Someone said this on a certain server, I assume the DDos is from the USGN hacker...

old Re: U.S.G.N. offline due to DDoS attack

Moderator On Online

It's not like we open a link to a random profile and ban it permanently because we can.

There has to be factual proof before doing that, most of the accounts that are currently banned, have been banned because their IP addresses match with a lot of other account's registered IP addresses.

The latest case was user CY, when we figured out it was hijacked we found about five accounts with connected IP addresses. I wouldn't call that 'innocent' since it's against the rules having more than one account, even if the account is not yours, you shouldn't be able to access it.

old Re: U.S.G.N. offline due to DDoS attack

User Off Offline

user Mami Tomoe has written
[23:52:20] USGN Hacker Reporter *DEAD*: INOCENT USERS
[23:52:45] USGN Hacker Reporter *DEAD*: HAVE A NICE DAY
[23:52:52] USGN Hacker Reporter has left the game

Someone said this on a certain server, I assume the DDos is from the USGN hacker...

Hes probably talking about The Darkness 2D.

old Re: U.S.G.N. offline due to DDoS attack

User Off Offline

@Attacker:Dont say it!Stop ddos usgn you idiot!You get angry while banned?You were innocent?no.You were not innocent.You did something good?wrong.

@All:Yay,USGN is back!

old Re: U.S.G.N. offline due to DDoS attack

User Off Offline

Yesterday when i quickly going new game i wonder why my usgn's file is not working. I mean there is no saves in lua file.. Still usgn is not working and i can't test my things.

@attacker: I hope when you realize that you doing pointless shit and when you going tired of your stupidness - you gonna starting the new project, which is maybe will be a bit of popular, then someone will f*ck your website and your servers(and you too). That's the payment of your life. Respect those who paid their free time to get us free things, bitch. [/rage] :d
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