Stranded II
Second island treasure hunt
Second island treasure hunt
3 replies Well, I'm getting back into the game again. I'm on the second adventure island when the pirate abandons me. He left me a riddle which leads to a treasure, but none of it makes sense.
First of all, "a hat used for washing." Since when were hats ever near soap and water?
I thought the "element of the beginning" was moving toward the first island, but there was a shark in the way.
Aren't ferns the green stalks with the brown "hot dog things" on top? I really don't know.
Sorry, I'm really stuck. Are these clues some sort of side mission? What is this treasure? Google it, when I played and couldn't get through Google was my savoir! Um... Let me to remember, i not remember we must find treasure. Maybe you must find 25 "Children Of The Sea". Eh, are you already pick up the note from pirate ? I think it has something to do with putting 25 sea-stuff like fish and clams above a rock. The rock is noticeable, you'll know it when you see it.