5 replies I have searched for maps with exactly same name, but the one I have found is poorly done and negative feedbacks outweigh positive ones.
The reason why this thread be here is that I want any skilled mappers to make an entire new de_survivor with an acceptable quality. I don't have much to pay, but in return to thank you for the map with great quality, I'll gift you a copy of Payday: The Heist. The copyright is still yours, I need only a copy of the map.
I hope someone will be willing to make de_survivor for CS2D. This map is difficult to make it in two-dimensional form on top down view - it is a multi-storey, so it need scripts for this ... so i think it is not best map for reincarnation in CS2D "edition", same as cs_mansion, cs_bank, and standart de_... maps I can try it. But you have to say me clearly stuff cuz i dont know the map. Maybe Screenshots or so. For which game mode?
If yes i could start at 5. Sept. But only with clear constructions and that i think thats possible for me. @
It's in CS 1.6/CZ and fans remade it for Source too. And read the title of the thread, it's for the Bomb/Defuse scenario.
I don't think you would make a good job at recreating a classic CS map which you have never even heard of. Screenshots alone won't help you that much. If you say that it has to be true.