No one give a fuck about "what you want" and "what you need".
Sure if it is for free only.
How i did understand you:
"You should make the nice tiles for me, und SCHNELL SCHNELL! Idc how, but you should!"
Really dudes?? I wont pay for it. There are user have this as a hobby and not to earn much money for it !!! And to this moments all post are unnecessary!!! I asked about a person who WANT help me and not for one which say me that it is impossible. -.-
If you have nothing to say than dont do that. ..
Jite: Why you did not try to solve your problem by yourself? Most people in this community is too lazy or looking for good reason to help someone - so as I can see you can't interest users in your problem at this moment so you haven't good reason to help you.
@Pagyra i know. But the one wants money for it the other say me thats impossible to make a tileset for nothing, so i only see that they cant read and i asked only about a few tiles of 1-5. I tried it today out to make it on myself. But you have to chose the right colours,...
You asked for an original jail tileset. How can you expect anyone to make tiles for you when you clearly have 0 mapping experience?
Any mapper worth their salt can put together a tileset on their own, clearly you are not one of those. For all we know you might not even be worthy of using other's tiles and yet you have the audacity to ask for an original one. Shame on you.
Dudes? Can any can read here? I asked not for a tileset, i asked for ca. 5 tiles!
Also i am able to make my own tileset and chose the tiles which i want of others. Also i said i havent time! And also i said that i search new and unique tiles!!!