Client Only Ingame Messages
Client Only Ingame Messages
2 replies So I've been working furiously around the clock to make a really cool house map, complete with four floors and everything. Although I've made a ton of progress I've hit a stop in the road so to speak. I'm trying to set up a system where whenever the player enters a room a message plays in the middle of the screen saying the room name, a nice touch. The problem comes with the other players, when any player hits the trigger_move the message plays for everyone. I only want the message to appear when the player triggers the message and not everyone else. Basically the message only appears on each players screen as THEY trigger it and not everyone else.
Is this possible to get working, client side messages rather then server side messages? You can only do this with Lua. From the much I know, you can only achieve this using scripts. I would write one for you but I don't have my PC right now.