Stranded II
Random crates on random islands?
Random crates on random islands?
1 reply Hi, i noticed something while playing a random island. When i went out to check my fishing nets, i found a crate. Is that a bug, or it is supposed to be here? DC Admin
No bug. There's a daily chance that items are spawned on the beach!
The script doing this is mods\Stranded II\sys\scripts\random_events.s2s
~14% chance that a crate with random content is spawned (up to 10 crates can exist) - destroy to get the content
~14% chance that a log or stick is spawned on the beach
~14% chance that a building starts to burn (only certain buildings can start to burn this way and only if there is no rain/snow and only if no building started to burn within the last 10 days)