Add hotkeys!
Add hotkeys!
1 reply I'm getting sick and tired of the current editor. It's too small to edit an area bigger than 11x11 tiles, the minimap is really needed to edit a map, and when the map is about 300x300 you have to switch the minimap on and off to edit and jump around the map.
Could you please add hotkeys like ctrl+v and ctrl+c for the entities?
Ctrl+M for quick minimap switch, f1 - f9 for quick tab switch (tiles, entities)
Tdleeuw DC Admin
dear attention whore, there's a suggestion thread.
also: ctrl+c and ctrl+v for entities are in the editor for a very long time already. make sure to be in the entity mode. point at an entity and press ctrl+c to copy it (or ctrl+x to cut). press ctrl+v at a free tile to paste it.
you might also want to give this great alternative a try:
CounterStrike2D Live Mapper [ALPHA]
I'm sorry but I've to close this before other people use this as a second suggestion thread.
please use
Ideas for Counter-Strike 2D for all your ideas, also for ideas for the editor!