Hey guys. In the following days I'm trying to make a map, but when I add an .ogg sound to it (env_sound), the game freezes right after selecting and then it crashes.
I've tried so many times, it always crashes...
What the heck can I do?
Windows XP Home SP3.
Well, I converted to .wav and yeah, it worked.
But still... well, originally the sound was a MP3. I converted to a 320kps .ogg to 48000 Hz <- maybe that's too much for CS2D?
Because this .wav has lower kps and Hz and works.
WAV/AIFF gives better quality. Wait, what the hell? How come you pretend that you know it better than me, but have never worked with sound? Have some practice and come back later.
@ oxytamine:
For CS2D .ogg is much better because it's compression is pretty good (of course it's not as good as mp3 but it's enough). And yes, wav is a standard for high-quality sounds.
@ medeiros:
What's the size of your .ogg? I know the server has some problems with big .ogg files, but editor???
320kbit/s bitrate... man what do you want to do with that?
@ oxytamine:
For CS2D .ogg is much better because it's compression is pretty good (of course it's not as good as mp3 but it's enough). And yes, wav is a standard for high-quality sounds.
I agree with you. But I was talking about sound formats in general.
@ medeiros:
What's the size of your .ogg? I know the server has some problems with big .ogg files, but editor???
320kbit/s bitrate... man what do you want to do with that?
Forgot size, already deleted since .wav works lol.
Well, 320kbit/s should mean better quality or something?