Found a bug D:
Found a bug D:
4 replies If u hav a map with Env_Decal (s) in, you may hav noticed, that after saving, and reopening in the editor, the decal previews hav gone (unless uve cut-and-pasted in the same spot, so they reappear).
Heres a screenie

map © Yates DC Admin
yeah there are a few bugs with decals. thanks for posting. There's sometimes tile blending bug.
danh has written
map © Yates
At first I thought, trolololol? Then I recognized it from one of my old RP maps.
Anyway, I had the bug in that map =3
It's weird that it disappears on walls after you load the map again.
And another thing about decals. When you look at the GFX image, you can see numbers 'n stuff. But the actual decal entity doesn't let you choose any decal (By number) higher than 30 or so.
Meaning I can't get the number decals and some others
map © Yates
map bug -.-
Thanks for posting bug