
"Only Nightvision" Areas?
6 replies

1. Create an "Env_Sprite"
2. Choose any image file
3. Set it's color to Black
4. Check the box "Hide if nightvision is on"
By the way: If you want the player not to be hidden under the black box uncheck "Sprite cover pl.".

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think he can use any image...
1. Create an "Env_Sprite"
2. Choose any image file
3. Set it's color to Black
4. Check the box "Hide if nightvision is on"
By the way: If you want the player not to be hidden under the black box uncheck "Sprite cover pl.".
1. Create an "Env_Sprite"
2. Choose any image file
3. Set it's color to Black
4. Check the box "Hide if nightvision is on"
By the way: If you want the player not to be hidden under the black box uncheck "Sprite cover pl.".
Oh, you're right. My bad.
I wouldn't add one image. I would add two, one which goes away when night vision is on. And the other to balance the sight. Just try looking with night vision on. It's too bright, you need to make it a bit darker to see.