
animation sprites!?
6 replies

Please help) I can't make picture animation on a card more precisely animation sprites I want to make Toest that I NPC on a card moved as I I will make... But how?
Lemme try 're-translate':
Please help) I can't make animated sprites on map, i want make NPC moves on map as me. How to do this ?
Maybe he meant something like that. I also bet he is russian, because of word 'Toest' o-O

Help! I can't make sprites animate on a tile! I want to make precise animation sprites, so that an NPC (/a sprite) on a tile moves like a normal player does... But how?

Help! I can't make sprites animate on a tile! I want to make precise animation sprites, so that an NPC (/a sprite) on a tile moves like a normal player does... But how?
Hm, sounds better