Stranded II
Request changes to the source code
Request changes to the source code
5 replies What do you want me to add to the game engine.Basically tell me here in this thread.Over the past four weeks I have become one with Blitz basic,just like the old Commodore Amiga 500 days.So what do you want me to add?.
So far I have added flight dynamics,and will upload soon.The flight dynamics make it so aircraft has more realistic flight dynamics and the camera gets pitch,yaw,roll of the entity the player is driving.
And I have added camera functions of select camera,move camera,rotate camera pitch yaw camera around your ,Unit 1st ,3rd person view.Please request your additions you want. camera zooming, for binoculars and scopes
Yes! Zooming Be great I need IT for my mod!!
You too need zoom for you mod? mmm... yes
Did you see CS mod? It needs zooming for sniper rifles I would like..
-material sounds for metal when you walk on it. Ex: stonestep and woodstep.
That's all I basically want, for now
I think, fire with cover will not douse when it's raining.
Hands animation can be define with XXX.inf and XXX.bmp.
That makes new weapon mod possible.