
Map Editor tutorial
39 replies

Now I can finish my HT and Rob The Bank game.
HT-Happy Town

will u update this ?

How can i make snow map protection i havent founded it 

First do a Trigger_Start entity and put in trigger: "snowpro" - then take a Gen_Weather effect, select "Snow" and call it "snowpro". Then press Ctrl+C on it, to copy and Ctrl+V fast on may other fields. May you'll see that your FPS drops hard. Then save the map UNDER ANOTHER NAME. Not the same name, otherwise you'll never ever have access to this map without changing the .map file. And afterwards you're done.

who to get vip and hats cs2d arena is [fws] ???
Also, this tutorial is very good. But I have a little question:
How to trigger the entitie "trigger_hit"?
here have a -

Also, this tutorial is very good. But I have a little question:
How to trigger the entitie "trigger_hit"?
How to trigger the entitie "trigger_hit"?
It must be on a wall. Once you hit the wall, it will trigger whatever it is suppose to. In open air you cannot trigger it.
Yates has written
It must be on a wall. Once you hit the wall, it will trigger whatever it is suppose to. In open air you cannot trigger it.
Oh, ok, thanks.

Description has written
Special thanks to
All the noob mappers out there (And there are a lot!)
All the noob mappers out there (And there are a lot!)
but i am sure you can learn without it...
i learn without help but thats me

so when the bomb explodes.. don't be in that space, lol. (I wish some of you were

any.. er.. nominees? lol
(emote fixed)
If you are creating a big map with houses, what is the best position and shapes of the house for a tdm map? Also, what is the best alignment for houses like for far can they be close to each other?
Edit: I only asked this because I'm worrying about the position of the houses in my unfinished map and it might result a bad gameplay.
edited 1×, last 04.09.12 09:18:36 am
1. CS2D has a 640x480 window, showing only 20 tiles x and 15 tiles y.
2. It's boring to walk through.
3. Lucky kills.
Also, best is to make your OWN map and don't ask other people where to position stuff. Just mind CS2D is NOT an FPS, meaning you can't make crazy-big shit overlookable.