So, I thought I would share what I know and make sure cs2d gets more good map makers.
Note: This will be a very long post, if you don't want to read.. Click here
Special thanks to

Before I actually start with this I would like you to know a couple of things.
If you already know all the buttons on the editor you don't have to look here.
=== Learning the basics ===
So, we will start with the basics.
Actually making a base for your map.
Btw, this will not be a mode map. Just a map to explain everything!
You start off actually clicking on a tile, yes.. you must click on a tile!
If you haven't noticed yet, the tiles are on the left side.
So, lets put some tiles on..
You can either click on the map and drag or, you can use the "Draw rect (Rectangle) of tiles" function, you can find this here
Just put a base (floor) where you want.
I will just make a square floor.
Then, click and it should look like this (if you chose the same tile)
Now, this looks really boring. So lets make a house.
Just click on a tile, ah before I forget. You can change a tile to make it a floor, wall, dirt, snow, water and a lot more. You can do this by clicking here
There are a lot of things you can choose from as I said before. I will choose wall.
Now, I made a nice small house, but I'm not ready to move in.
Now, this house looks lame, no windows, no grass, no water, no floor.. But we will add this now.
Now, this is what I have done.
As you can see I have added a lot. But it is not done yet, thanks to the new version of cs2d we now have a blend option.
When you right click on a tile you get this
Now, because this is grass we want to make it blend like grass (duuuhh!!)
We will choose the direction for it to blend, which is right.
It should look like this.
Now, you must do the others too!
You can do this with two ways, right click and blend the same like the one you just did.
Or, right click on the one you just did then left click on the ones you must do (kind of like copy & paste)
It should, look like this
Now, that alone doesn't look good.
So, I did this
I did part of the wall aswell, because that looks better. I did not use grass for the water and wall, for the water I used "Linear (soft)" and for the wall "Dirt (soft)"
Note: As you might have noticed I made the water 4x5, the smaller patch I made before doesn't look good with blend!
Now, we are done with the base. Well, I'm happy with it.
So, we will put some entities down.
Let us start off with something simple, like a tree!
First, go to entities, click on Env_Object, place your tree anywhere on the map. Now if it comes up with a palm tree no worry, we can change that. Click on it then you will get a nice view with name, trigger etc.
What we need to do is click on the list, there you should see "Tree" click on it then go down to okay and click.
Now, if it doesn't come up with a nice tree you have done something wrong. If you have look here
Your tree should look like this
Now, a tree alone is not very good. The water is boring, so lets make it wave. You can do this by going back to entities, searching for Info_tileFX, place it anywhere on the map, then click on it.
Now, if you look at the top right you will see "Tile/Frame #" next to it you will see the number "0" now, the water tile number is 34 (Is different on other tiles) so, you put instead of the 0, 34.
Go down to "waves 2" click on it. (I choose waves 2 because it looks better) If you don't know how to do this or you think you have done something wrong look here
The water should start to move (wave)
=== All noob's look here! ===
How to make a door, yes.. A very complicated 10 click system. You must write this down somewhere because it is very hard. Now, for all of you who believe this please, learn what sarcasm is.
But yeah, back to the point.. How to make a door.
It's very SIMPLE! Yes, SIMPLE Don't make useless threads about something SIMPLE And I will keep on saying SIMPLE until you stop making stupid threads about something SIMPLE
Now, first go to entities, click on Func_DynWall. Place it anywhere on the map then click on it.
Now, you will see some stuff, and I can't be arsed to write this down so look here
(I have chosen wall, because you don't want people shooting in your home. Well, I wouldn't)
Now, see that I have already chosen a tile.
If you don't know the tile number then just go to the tiles and just put your mouse over the one you want. Like this
My door looks like this
(If you have chosen a different tile then it will not look like this! Duhh..)
Because I have 2 tile spots for a door, i will just copy and paste. (Really, do this.. Will save you 10 secounds of your life)
Now, lets make a button to open/close the door. "A button =O? Wtf is that!?"
That actually opens/closes your door. "Will it be hard to make like the door?"
Yes.. (sarcasm) Very SIMPLE and easy to make.
Now, go to entities then click on Trigger_Use, place it on the wall next to the door (You can actually put it anywhere you want, but this is easy to remember)
Click on it, now you might remember (You must, or you are very stupid) that you gave the door a name. My door name was, yeah.. "door"
Put the name into the trigger. You can now choose a nice button for your door (You don't have to) Mine is just "Gray+Broad"
Also you must choose the place of the button. Up, down, left, right. Because the wall is on the left, I will choose left.
Under that you can see "Triggered by" you don't have to do anything with this, you can if you only want a certain team to be able to use it.
Just click on okay, I don't want to waste anymore time on this SIMPLE thing.
This is how I did it..
If it is done it should look like this
And, when you put your mouse over the button it should have 2 bright lights connecting to the doors.
Now, we are done with the button. How SIMPLE was that?
=== So.. all noobs can look away now! ===
We don't have any spawn areas.. Just go to entities and click on Info_T place it on the map (This will be a spawn area for Terrorist)
Info_CT will do the same but for Counter-terrorist.
If you don't want to let the players have a gun or buy at start, put these two (You don't have to) on the map.
(Info_NoBuying and Info_NoWeapons)
Info_NoBuying = No buying at start, you can't buy anything
Info_NoWeapons = You don't have a pistol.. Just a lame knife.
Hey, we are missing something.. GUNS!
We need guns, to kill people from taking our house..
So, what you do it go to entities Env_Item, place it where you want the gun to spawn.
Now, there are a few ways you can make a gun spawn.
- One time (1)
- Instant/Infinit
- Every X sec
- On trigger only
"One time" means it will only spawn once.
"Instant/Infinit" will make it spawn directly after someone picks it up.
"Every X sec" will make it spawn after so many secounds (You will see a X(sec) underneath it, put the time in there)
"On trigger only" With this one you must give the item a name. Then use a button or any other Trigger_ to trigger it.
Mine will be Every X sec, and I will make it 10.. And the item will be an ak-47
You can do this with any other item, armour, laser, whatever gun you want. (Some stuff cannot be used, like bomb or red/blue flag)
So, now we have a gun we need a turret. Just in case someone trys to attack when I am gone.
Entities, Env_Building.. I think I will be terrorist when I spawn, so the turrets' team will be T
This is how I did it
I have expanded my "house" and I have a river.. But no bridge.
Well, I'm not going to make it simple and just put some tiles across..
No, I'm going to make a door-like bridge.
just like we did before with the Func_DynWall door, but now we make the door a floor.
This is what I did.
You will have to do the same!
I will not show you how, you can go back to how to make a door and look at that.
You must do this yourself, so you learn.
If you really don't understand how..
Well, you suck.. Sorry but it's true
Lets give the bridge a button.. So we can open and close it.
But, there is one thing I have noticed. When the bridge is closed, you can still walk over the water.
I don't want that, so.. I'll make the tile property "deadly - normal" (Note: With this all the same water tiles you have put down will be deadly, you cannot walk on them!)
Okay, now I have done the CT side, well the other "house" this is what I have changed.
- CT spawn (Info_CT)
- m4a1 (Env_Item)
- Button for bridge (Trigger_Use)
- "door1" (Func_DynWall)
- Button for "door1" (Trigger_use)
- Primary and secondary ammo (Env_Item)
- Ct Turret (Env_Building)
Here is a picture where I put them.
Before I stop with this "house" stuff I want to show you how it is during game play. And how to make one whole picture, of your map.
So, first lets do that whole picture stuff. Just look at this image.
Now, once you have done that it will be saved in your counter-strike 2d folder named "mapexport"
This is what mine looks like
Now, if this was bigger and I used other/better tiles it could be a nice map!
In-game the map looks like this
=== Making your own sprite! ===
Making your own sprite is not that hard.
People have trouble putting one on the map, so I will show you how!
First you need a sprite, lets take this one.

UnrealSoftware, good sprite for a map, lol.
Now, notice that the sprite has a black background, this is for when you put it on the map, you don't see the black blackground. (If you mask it)
Now, once you have saved this somewhere in your Counter-Strike 2D/gfx folder you can choose it using Env_Sprite
Now, click on the Env_Sprite then you will see a lot of stuff.
What I want you to do is go right up, and get your sprite. once you have done that you can choose out of some options.
I want you to go down, right.. and you will see "(Mask(0,2,4))" put in the box next to it 4, this will make the black background disapear.
This is what I have chosen
I will explain why, the X Size and Y Size are important if you want the sprite to look good on the tiles.
As I have said right up at the top (Long way to scroll) every tile is 32x32, so I will make this 3 times bigger, 96.
"Sprite covers pl." I should have actually not have chosen this, but I was too fast and I did xP
If this is on, the sprite will cover walls, players, objects.. anything really. The colour, offset (You can move the sprite with this), Rot. speed (Rotation speed) and the rest, is all up to you.
This is how my sprite looks like
=== Making your own Image ===
You might think I must be crazy, doing the same thing 2ce, but image and sprite are different. Image can't do a lot of things a sprite can.
Image can be rotated, be moved (offset) and can cover players.
That's it. Nothing else.. But to place an image is different to a sprite, a sprite has a black background if you only want to see the sprite, and not the background. But the image has a magneta background if you don't want to see it.
Like all the weapon skins it has a pink-like background.
I will use the same sprite I used before but with the fusia background.

Now, actually what you have to do is choose it, that's it.
Because you can't change the size anyway.
=== Making a message appear at start ===
Now, I guess loads of people are thinking, SIMPLE Well, it is.
But still a lot of other people don't know how.
Now, just go to entities, Func_Message place it on the map. Give it a name, message and how long it will show.
You can also choose if it comes up in the middle, or in the chat.
I have chosen to do this.
Now, make a Trigger_Start, can't be to hard to fill in lol. Remember to put the name you gave your message in the trigger box.
Once you are done save it and go test!
Here is a pic of what my message looks like!
Here are some things you must know about when making a map for ctf, dom, de, etc.
=== CTF - Capture the flag ===
Well, there is actually just one thing you need for this.
Info_CTF_Flag, as the name says.. It's a flag.
When you click on it you can choose the team CT or T, make sure you have both a CT and a T flag on the map.
Because without the other teams flag, you can't capture.
=== DE - Bomb Defuse ===
Same as CTF you just need one thing, a bombspot.
Info_BombSpot, place it on the map.. and when you do this you will see a circle when you move your mouse.
That will be the explosion range, so when the bomb explodes.. don't be in that space, lol. (I wish some of you were

The further out you go with your mouse, the further the bigger the explosion will be.
The bomb will be given to a T when you start the game, so don't worry if there is no bomb in the Env_item.
When you go over the entity you will see your circle, and a square, the circle as I said before is the explosion range, the square is the area the T have to plant the bomb.
=== DOM - Domination ===
Domination is all about dominating all the flags in the map.
You can't take the flag, to dominate it you must walk over it. You can set the minimum players (To dominate it) to 1, 2 or 3.
Info_Dom_Point, you can also choose at the biginning of every round who the flag is dominated by, CT, T or no one.
=== Hostage ===
Well, hostages are cool!
You just need to place them, with Info_Hostage, you can choose between different hostages.
If you think you are done you aren't, you must put a rescue point on the map.. using Well, yeah Info_RescuePoint. It will be a 3x3 spot, just make sure they get there alive.
Now, you are done!
=== V.I.P (Very important pigeon xD) ===
The vip, or entity name Info_VIP must escape really..
The T must kill him and the CT must protect him.
Place a Info_VIP where the VIP will spawn and a Info_EscapePoint. A 3x3 area.
Well, I'm done for now..
If there is anything I must explain just ask.
Now, this in total is actually 21154 characters oO. Lol, no life

If I spelled something wrong just tell me, or forgot a letter.
edited 5×, last 11.06.11 04:03:28 pm