edited 1×, last 22.02.11 12:52:02 pm

How to disable mouse acceleration
9 replies

Have you tried reducing certain settings in the graphics menu? If you haven't already, try:
-changing resolution to 1024x768 or lower
-reducing view range to medium
-reducing other details to minimum
-turning off light effects
-turning off wiggle in wind
-turning off fog
-turning off active intensity
IF there is acceleration then it is caused by your OS settings or your mouse driver settings. Stranded II doesn't do that.
but as far as I know you cant change this because it is part of the Blitz3d engine which was used to program the game.
Alphyn has written
That's sad because it's not the OS, the mouse runs completely differently in the OS.
If you're using a Windows OS, go to Control Panel >> Mouse >> Pointer Options and uncheck the "Enhance Pointer Precision" which is actually mouse acceleration.
Stranded II is NOT responsible for mouse acceleration.
Your sensitivity can be changed in the Stranded II settings to increase aim movement in game, but on menus, Stranded uses the OS default... I just had a play with it.
Alphyn has written
Some games have an option to disable it.
Even if you disable this in the game, it doesn't disable it in the OS, so the mouse will still have added acceleration in the game even though you turned it off. I know because I had the exact same problem with Wolfenstein ET. I turned off mouse accel in game but it was still accelerating. After I turned it off in the OS, it was all smooth.
Alphyn has written
when the pointer runs over the invevtory slot you need and you have to move the mouse really slowly to click it.
This sounds like a 2D post processing issue.