I've got a problem with the game itself and one with the massive mod. They might be related, I'm not sure.
First, my problem with the game. I've got two partitions on dual boot, one with Vista ultimate 64 and another with 7 ultimate 64. The game was virtually unplayable on 7, so I switched to Vista and installed a fresh copy. When I try to run the game I installed on the vista partition I get an error message that says "Stranded II Mod dir/game files are missing". Now, while still in vista, if I run the game that was installed on the 7 partition it starts up just fine. (this happens with or without MM installed)
My second problem is with the grill and forge from massive mod. When I was running the game under 7 they both worked fine, but when I run it on vista they don't work quite right. When I throw something on the grill/forge, instead of appearing on top of the anvil/grill they appear underneath it and drop. The items will still cook/soften/harden, but I sometimes can't see them to tell when they're done.
I'm getting a little tired of eating dirty meat... Does anyone have any idea what's going wrong? I have no idea what other info would be pertinent to the issue, so if you need my pc specs or something just let me know.
Fred problem 1. Maybe in your mods/stranded2/ is missing? Re-download it
problem 2. you might have an old version of MM
Update your MM
.You should have put the problem with normal stranded
in "bug reports"
.and the MM problem in "Massive Mod" thread. 1. That's a stupid question.
2. I downloaded and installed everything today.
3. It's not a bug, the game won't start.
4. As I said, the problem with massive mod might be due to running it off another partition, so possibly not a problem with the mod itself. Everything worked great on 7, besides the stuttering and crashes of course...
5. Don't tell me where and how to post.
Thank you. sny420 has written
1. That's a stupid question.
He didn't ask a question, you did... He answered
sny420 has written
2. I downloaded and installed everything today.
3. It's not a bug, the game won't start.
4. As I said, the problem with massive mod might be due to running it off another partition, so possibly not a problem with the mod itself. Everything worked great on 7, besides the stuttering and crashes of course...
The game is completely portable. It doesn't matter where you 'install' to because the game runs independently from its own folder, only ever making calls to DirectX. However, if you suspect a partition of error, then there's always the thumb drive method (and it is as obvious as it sounds). Download the zip version of S2 instead of the installer and extract it to a thumb drive or a partition your system has total control over (This doesn't include your user space like 'My Documents' but the root of the C: would be fine). If you have the same problem, you forget hardware as a problem (even though GFX can cause other known errors). Also, exhaust compatibility mode. Try XP mode, and NT, and 98... I'm assuming you're using the 'Vista' patch available from the file archive, yes?
sny420 has written
5. Don't tell me where and how to post.
Thank you.
He was just trying to help you fit in here. Don't be so offended.
Psytechnic has written
He didn't ask a question, you did... He answered
A question mark at the end of a sentence usually means it's a question...
I've got both problems figured out now, thanks to your suggestion. Windows 7 doesn't have a problem running the game from the desktop, but Vista does apparently. I copied the folder to the root drive and it started right up.
I'll post my solution to the grill/forge bug in the massive mod thread, since I just proved it's a completely separate problem with the mod itself. How to make steel. I don't know how to use iron in combining to make steel. Admin/mod comment
You asked this question in another thread already, this fact makes this a double post. /Leiche sny420 has written
Psytechnic has written
He didn't ask a question, you did... He answered
A question mark at the end of a sentence usually means it's a question...
That's not the only reason for using a question mark.
He "postulated" and did this by the first word "Maybe..."
So when he says "Maybe in your mods/stranded2/ is missing?", he's postulating that you might be missing some files and, "Re-download it" is his offer of a solution...
I find that many people get wound up and feel offended over simple misinterpretations of language.
I'm glad you got things sorted and if you have anything else you need help with, don't get wound up, gimmie a call and I'll be happy to help.