1: I think there's already a launcher in the file archive.
2: What license is your application using?
3: What programming language did you use?
Thanks. I like the auto-click idea. Was that an OS hook you used or did you inject into S2's memory space?
1. i don't find any launcher in "stranded2_en.zip", there are only "StrandedII.exe" and 2 batch file "StrandedII -win -debug.bat" and "StrandedII -win.bat"
for mine, it will enum the mods folder to find any mods then list them
2. i'm not plan to open source right now, i plan to open its source with my other small utils togather in google code using gpl or lgpl latter.
3. i use vc++ with win32sdk only
because i play massive mod right now, it is awesome, but the guy really like nils, i have to click right mouse hundreds times for build a single building.
the implement is very simple.
just use EnumWindows by ProcessId to get Stranded II hwnd
then PostMessage WM_RBUTTONDOWN and WM_RBUTTONUP to emulate right click .
no hooks needed.
use GetAsyncKeyState to detect hot key, also no hooks needed.
why i consider to write this launcher?
mainly for there are 2 exe to start
a XP version and a Win7 version
though, when i finished, the win7 problem was fixed
i'm not an english speaker, so excuse for my poor english