
water need
8 replies

there are some mods (or at least the one I know) where an empty bottle remains in your inventory after drinking a bottle of water or juice or whatever, e.g. Extension Mod (german).
I dont know whether this also works in Massive Mod...

I think you can take leaves into your hand and then use the groud by pressing 'E' to plant bushes when your planting-skill is high enough.
let them grow some days and then cut them down again so you can gather a lot of leaves at once.
also you should use your bare hands to cut the bushes down because when using tools on the bushes you deal much more damage to them so they wont survive as many hits as if you hit them with your bare hands and because of that you can get more leaves out of a single bush before it dies.
Hurri04 has written
I think you can take leaves into your hand and then use the groud by pressing 'E' to plant bushes when your planting-skill is high enough.
let them grow some days and then cut them down again so you can gather a lot of leaves at once.
also you should use your bare hands to cut the bushes down because when using tools on the bushes you deal much more damage to them so they wont survive as many hits as if you hit them with your bare hands and because of that you can get more leaves out of a single bush before it dies.
I think you can take leaves into your hand and then use the groud by pressing 'E' to plant bushes when your planting-skill is high enough.
let them grow some days and then cut them down again so you can gather a lot of leaves at once.
also you should use your bare hands to cut the bushes down because when using tools on the bushes you deal much more damage to them so they wont survive as many hits as if you hit them with your bare hands and because of that you can get more leaves out of a single bush before it dies.
Rather use a vine, it doesnt do any damage at all and you still get leaves

on:load { 	wateralpha 0.75; }
but if you mean to change the transparency while playing on an islad you have to press ^ then enter "dm" (no quotation marks!) click on "Execute Script" and write this into the box: script:
wateralpha 0.75;