
Can't play more than 5 min.(weird glitch)
19 replies

have you read the first diary entry? this is a normal effect because it belongs to the story: you are stranded and are feeling dizzy and for that reason the landscape looks washy.
this effect will go away after a short time.
For instance, when this happens, my compass shows a lot of N's, S's, W's and E's at the same time, what does not happens during the dizzy effect
@ DC: Yes, I have just played it. Same problem, but much faster
I'd suggest re-downloading the game from another mirror then and maybe try both the installer and the normal zip-file. maybe the download-link where you downloaded the game from was broken...
It's ok, maybe I havent made myself clear. I've tried it already, and it didnt worked also
I would assume you have your graphics AT THE MINIMAL.
That also includes your viewing range...
(far close near etc)
But... is your computer old, or has a low processing power, or a low memory capability...
flambeau has written
It's ok, maybe I havent made myself clear. I've tried it already, and it didnt worked also
well, you just said something about re-installing in your first post, not about re-downloading so I assumed you re-installed it from the same downloaded file.
Does anybody know if increasing or decreasing the scriptlooptimeout command in the game.inf folder will help this problem?
I'm sorry, I think I didn't understand. I'm running DX 9.0c, should I change to DX 7? I ran dxdiag and Direct3D tests, results are: Direct3D 7 Tests results : all tests were OK.
Direct3D 8 Tests results : all tests were OK.
Direct3D 9 Tests results : all tests were OK.
No problems found

flambeau has written
But I have 4gb RAM installed. Besides, I play lots of games in this notebook. I think it's the same problem that happened w/ omikron. It used to run fine on a very very old PC. Then I changed that old PC for a pentium III, and things weren't that smooth anymore. And I finally have to gave up omikron when I changed my P-III for a E-8400 and a offboard video card.
hey man If danny theory is good than i got soltion for this.
go to google. Type in search tab game boostrer download go to first site you see dowbńload instal if you run it there should apper a tab there is proceses. Check every process runed BY USER. It is very important to remeber. IF you turn off system prosecesses your pc can shut down or you need restart it.
If is it too hard for undestanding than just uninstal all antivirus programs and keep one. If you have 1 anitivirus program for 1 virus go to google again and search for avira. I am using it and my pc runs smoothly and nicely without viruses.
Also removes useles program just open task bar and go to processes. You can see programs runed by user and the programs you dont need can be unisntaled and removed.
PS: i got laptop too
Spec: AMD 5600 , 2gb ram (2012mb), 220 HD. I can run gta IV almoust on max graphic without lagg.
NOTE: If you got smal free opertion memopry it can frak up the whole PC by instaling more programs or multiple games.
If nothing of my ideas works, go and reinstal the whole windows. Instal anitivrus programs micorsoft office and some stuff. But dont overflow your pc with useres trash.
i recommend using 'trend micro internet security', because although it costs money, my viruses 'die', and its not slow at all.
@topic: my computer cant run some things on stranded because some of the models don't seem to like my computer.

UnIdEnTiFiEd has written
@Ultr4killer: "If you have 1 anitivirus program for 1 virus go to google again and search for avira. I am using it and my pc runs smoothly and nicely without viruses."
i recommend using 'trend micro internet security', because although it costs money, my viruses 'die', and its not slow at all.
@topic: my computer cant run some things on stranded because some of the models don't seem to like my computer.
i recommend using 'trend micro internet security', because although it costs money, my viruses 'die', and its not slow at all.
@topic: my computer cant run some things on stranded because some of the models don't seem to like my computer.

well i personally recomend avira it is free and you can buy 5 premium types and my pc mechanic recomend it too it is better than kasperksy and snod or wtf is name of it and other clasik antivirus craps