i play stranded 2 on win7 non-online
but when i do alt+tab
the land is be black and never be green again.
what can i repair black land problem Admin/mod comment
"help plz" is a totally pointless title. fixed /DC DC Admin
first of all: please choose a title which makes sense and describes your problem next time.
about your problem: I guess that you can't do much about this. maybe other videocard drivers help.
or use the windowed mode by starting "StrandedII -win.bat" in your Stranded II folder. this way you don't need to use alt+tab anymore. why do you press alt+tab if you have win7?
doesnt win7 have a combination like windows-key+tab to change the tabs?
maybe you should try that and tell us whether it works... i am playing games on internet its need to wait 10 min after i do quest:D when in this 10 min end i need look this game