Stranded II
Stranded 2 modding
Stranded 2 modding
4 replies I've learned how to mod the different things in stranded II, and I have designed a new item: A Machinegun... the only problem is: I need to make a machinegun in a b3d file to put it in the game, and I have no idea how to make b3d files
, so someone, please tell me a program that works for making b3d files
you can use Milkshape or you can convert your moddel with Biturn Unless your going to animate it, you dont need b3d file, 3ds works fine too. Try Blender or Wings3d Ty, Ill try "Milkshake"
(funny name), I actually could make it with DeleD, but it's completely white, so I'll maybe just put it in milkshape just to colour my machinegun blue-grey!
To download Milkshape, is it called Milkshape v 1 8 4?