First of all Hello.
I'm currently making a map, however, I need information from You!

First, let me sketch the scenario so far.
Scenario has written
You were offered a trip to hawai for just 100 euro's. Ofcourse you accept, and end up stranded on a small island next to a big one.
(Rough map (AKA only island outline wich is not even sure yet) is at end of post)
(Rough map (AKA only island outline wich is not even sure yet) is at end of post)
Small Island has written
Small should be more like medium. It's like, 1/8th of a 256x256 map.
The small island is relatively safe. No lion/raptor spawns, however,
No iron (maybe some in crates),
No clay (maybe some in crates)
No fishing spot!,
No banana trees
no tamed monkeys
No (however, maybe some paste) grain
And ofcourse other things are not there.
The small island is relatively safe. No lion/raptor spawns, however,

And ofcourse other things are not there.
For the plot (Yes, I am planning on making a plot. Diary entries will be included for sure)
you will need to go to the big island as well.
Basically, the big island should be a place you go to gather supplies, however be to dangerous to actually live.
However, I need help. No editing/scripting (so far) help, but how I can keep the Stranded II feeling longer! Most maps get easy after a few days, or are rediculously hard.
Therefor I would like to have a small enquete.

Please do not copy the question itself, only the question number (1. 2. 3. etc.)
Long and good answers/suggestions will be added in credits (shown at end of plot)
After I feel enough map name's have been suggested I will create a poll with my favorites. AKA, you will make the winner!
Winner's name will be added to credits
Please note, your opinion is just one of many. Do not expect this to be perfectly adapted to your preferences, although I will take everything in account.
Please note, the enquete might change. Updating your answer = better map, better experience, more adapted to your likings! (and a happy me)
edited 1×, last 01.06.10 10:36:02 pm