###Building Errors###
-There is a building in buildings.inf
Building ID: 11
that is missing a "script=end" definition.
You used "script=start" by mistake.
-There is a building in buildings.inf
Building ID: 46
that is missing a "objectid=" or "unitid=" definition.
-There is a building in buildings.inf
Building ID: 47
that is missing a "objectid=" or "unitid=" definition.
-There is a building in buildings.inf
Building ID: 48
that is missing a "objectid=" or "unitid=" definition.
-There is a building in buildings.inf
Building ID: 49
that is missing a "objectid=" or "unitid=" definition.
-There is a building in buildings.inf
Building ID: 102
that has a "objectid=" and "unitid=" definition.
You defined the "Outrigger" (the building scripted after the Dock) as "id-103" so all the information for the "Outrigger" gets added to the Dock building structure. To the game, this looks like the dock has an "objectid" and a "unitid=".
###Item Errors###
-There is an item in items_stuff.inf
Item Name: steel arrow (ID: 135)
that has an incorrectly formatted "ammo:" definition.
You set the Steel Arrow "behavior=" to "ammo:59.ammo:60,ammo:61". This should be "ammo:59,ammo:60,ammo:61".
###Object Errors###
-There is an Object in objects_buildings.inf
Object Name: Wood wall Top (ID: 253)
The icon for this Object refers to a file that does not exist.
###Unit Errors###
-There is a unit in units.inf
Unit Name: Snake (ID: 51)
that has a loot item (ID: 409)
that does not exist in any of the item files.
-There is a unit in units.inf
Unit Name: sand golem (ID: 53)
that has a loot item (ID: 339)
that does not exist in any of the item files.