Alienation Modeling List (incomplete)
Underwater Objects:
Spiky patch; This patch will sit at the bottem of the ocean and whenever you get too close to it, it will poke you, and you'll lose life... Effectivly a stand and snap behavior.
Coral; These large lumps of stuff that appears almost like rocks will give their precious coral, with which you can make several buildings.
Reeds; These reeds make great strengthening supports for many buildings.
Metal Junk; This metal junk is obviously from my ship... or some other ship that has crashlanded here... I might be able to salvage from this pile of metal diffrent things to help me build better structures and items.
Underwater cavern; (description; a large cave underwater that will normally extend clear up through the top of the water, therefore making a very safe harbor for you, since you have air by going to the top of the cave... Can be made small since I can scale it to size.) This large place that can provide air and a safe harbor from the animals is perfect for my home! Now all I have to do is make some kind of a barricade against sea animals entering through the doorway.
Egg nest; (description; a simple really small cave like thing with piles of little balls that are somewhat greyish in color, again, I can use the scaler) This nest is full of eggs from diffrent fish, its sorta like a hatchery, I'm quite sure they wouldn't mind if I just take some eggs.
Jumbolia; (description; a plant that is raised off the ground several inches with several 'feet' jutting out from the main ball and into the ground below, so that it appears somewhat like a egg resting on small stand but of course, its just a ball with several feet stuck into the ground. I'm planning to make you able to plant this as food.) Wow, according to my senses, this plant is edible! Even though extreamly wet it is quite full of nutrients.