Builder2-0 has written
EDIT: (Psytechnic has already fixed this) I broke it. >.>
The error seems to happen whenever I click on one of the 'soft' crafting items. I've noticed that it displays the 'variables' category but doesn't actually show them.
Builder2-0 has written
Some other misc notes:
-It isn't displaying all the items correctly. I'm not sure if this is because I've created a few new .inf files\groups or not. For example, it only displays the steel shovel. I cannot find the iron shovel. When I try to use a backwards route and click the iron shovel head combination it simply leads me to the steel shovel.
Sorted, by the way, as far as I know, S2 allows for identical items with different IDs (I.e. name and image etc the same) so my app does as well. Thanks to you I had to completely rewrite the tree functions
But as I've said before, all of this input makes this app better.
Builder2-0 has written
-'Combinations Made From' is a bit confusing. Perhaps 'Can Be Combined From:'?
-Same for the other one. Perhaps 'Required For Combinations:'
'Combinations Made From:' is now "Can be made from"
'Required For Combinations:' is now "Is used to make"
Builder2-0 has written
-It would be nice if under the 'Combinations Required For' tab it would show the resultant item icon. IE; On the bendable branch, when it says 'Combinations Required For' bow x1, it would have the icon for the bendable branch, then the thread, then maybe an = sign (or outlined in green?) the icon for the bow. Clicking that icon would lead you to the bow's entry.
The tab pages themselves under the 'Combinations Required For' can be double clicked to view the item they make. This is a little confusing, but until I can think of a space friendly (So my app window doesn't grow exponentially on items with loads of combinations) and easily used method, then this will have to do.
Builder2-0 has written
-You can currently search by groups\materials\behaviors. It would be nice to have a file search. IE: items_crafting.inf, items_weapons.inf, ect. You do seem to have this, in a way, but only through the small 'ID' and 'name' tags. A drop down like the 'behaviours\groups\materials' would be much nicer. There is plenty of space to have individual tabs for each inf file in that little side window.
Implemented. Setting saves on exit. Oh, and done the error handling on finding item so you can find an item in file tree view.
Builder2-0 has written
-The 'item compendium' feature is really useful, but also really clunky. You have to click it individually each time. Also, I think it would be better organized as:
If it opened some sort of tab off to the side that updated automatically with each item, that would be better I think. Also some way to better utilize the item compendium? Perhaps like the Stranded S2 editor, how it has that gridded display of all items via their icons? That + a way to generate a txt document with say, all item_weapons.inf items.
I'm trying to keep the front GUI as small and user friendly as possible, if I have a massive display, people with smaller resolutions (app already has minimum size of 600x500) will not be able to use it.
As for the order in which the compendium is compiled. That's open to discussion. I just organised it by how I pull the info from the file.
This has now been made modular and rearrangeable in the preferences window.
If you read up a little, you'll see I ain't even gonna bother with an editor until I get the script file dissemination perfected and when I do implement it, it's going to be a sub program so I can take a backup of your mod before you start editing it. I don't want people whining to me about how my app broke their mod.
Also, please keep in mind, although yes, this is very helpful for modders, this tool has to remain my intention of being useful for anyone. If you're only using it for looking through mod files for game tips, you don't want to have to find the info you're looking for on a page washed with info.
Builder2-0 has written
Now that I'm thinking about it, it would be nice if you could make the combination portions be a drop down list. IE: (also shows my example for having the resultant item icon)
That way you could easily see all possible combinations\requirements. It would make it a lot easier to see an error like having 2 'dynamite' combinations, both of which are the exact same except for one requiring 6 less black powder. >.>
The item combination displays are not there for mod diagnostics. They are simple guides for people who wanna know what an item does, hence it's under the "Items" tab. This, again, leads to the point of keeping the GUI small. I am in the process of building a "Combinations" tab that will be much more geared towards mod examination.
And as per your request, now the tooltips for items in the combination displays are titled "<ID>: <Item Name>".
Released SIIMV 10-01-09 8-15.
Note, the software is not complete and I'm only releasing it for feedback and error correction in the reading of item and combination files.
Update: If an item is an ammo, "Ammo For" section is added to the detail view and the weapon it loads is added with a resultant calculation of weapon damage * ammo damage. If an item has other items as ammo, they are added under the "Weapon" section as "with <item name> (ID) | weapon damage * (thanks DC) ammo damage (ammo damage)"
=== Screenshots ===
Something nice in the aesthetics, on loading a mod, the mod folder (the one containing the sys folder) name is placed in the application title (so you know what you're working on). Also, if you look between the two screenshots, you can see both the Sections Tree display and Files Tree display.
Update: Done error checking on behaviour parsing, cleared a few small bugs.
Released SIIMV 10-01-09 12-55.
(if anyone has been keeping track, yes, I've been awake for 42 hours programming and debugging this)
After extensive rewrites (and still not complete) I'm beginning work on the "combinations" page of the application. I've found a memory leak with controls not disposing until the form has closed, but I'm working on it.
Released SIIMV 10-01-10 19-30.
This is the current build with the memory problem. Purely for testing.
I'm about to lose my internet access. Until I regain it, this project is postponed. Before, I go, I've rebuilt a new version that has some of the memory build up managed.
Now, there will only be memory build up when you load a new mod. This is being worked out, but as for now, you can freely use the combination page without memory buildup. Also, the page loading time has been dramatically reduced.
Released SIIMV 10-01-11 22-30.
Cleared the memory build up. It seems as though, in .Net a tooltip doesn't belong to a control, it just creates a strong link, causing the garbage collector (memory returner) to think the object was still being used. I corrected this and now the damned tooltips don't work. But I suppose that's better than a memory access violation. And as I'm expecting to be cut off from the net soon, I thought I'd throw out a copy that won't break on you.
Released SIIMV 10-01-12 12-30.
As soon as the ToolTip problem is fixed and if I still have net by then, I'll send you all another build.
Quick screenie of combinations page:
Please, someone post something. This post is far too long.
Update: Ok, so now tooltips display correct messages and memory usage is kept to a minimum (Given that builder wants the combinations page flashy and clicky, meaning I have to dynamically create in some cases over 2000+ user objects). So in this release, everything that is currently programmed works as expected.
Thank god for that...
Released SIIMV 10-01-12 22-25. edited 15×, last 12.01.10 11:27:02 pm