any help guys or if you think am buggered just tell me if this game is any good?

Memory Access Violation
11 replies

any help guys or if you think am buggered just tell me if this game is any good?
make sure that your installation is not damage. re-install if you are not sure.
try compability modes when using vista/7 (it's not necessary normally)
start it in a window by running "StrandedII -win.bat"
i know its got some security thing so that if any program tries accessing my computers memory or CPU usage it denies it access even if i give it permission.
reinstall the video driver and it should fix the problem
oliv897 has written
its just the basic download i got from this site i tried downloading a copy on torrent too but it still dont work lol i might give up and go back to castaway stories
Did you know torrents are against the

xeNium has written
Did you know torrents are against the

Some Linux distros are using torrents because its faster and affordable. Does that mean that torrents are against the rules?
I guess only about 2% of all torrents are legal, so you are right in some way.
And btw if its any constolation i give up with your game next time finish it before you release it and maybe i wouldent be moaning!
xeNium has written
Did you know torrents are against the

nya. The rules are saying nothing about torrents.
and yes, torrents are legal as long as you only use them to get free stuff in a legal way.