P.S. i played this game on my old pc, but i runned well there was no issues like this one and actually that pc was piece of crap.

Wierd graphics issue
10 replies

P.S. i played this game on my old pc, but i runned well there was no issues like this one and actually that pc was piece of crap.
Sometimes this is the issue
(can be the driver too)

Well now its really bad one happening everything on laptop **cks up i cant get working any program, nothing works I have to restart laptop and there is black screen when i start stranded 2, black screen with menu and no island is displayed as default it should, and my mouse leaves copies of it all over the screen when i move it.
edited 3×, last 22.11.09 10:57:53 pm
the trails thingy cant be fixed or its screen resolution