You can get experiance points each island is 100,000 Experiance points. by island 4 you win.
If not sheltered you lose 4 Health Day.
Days are 2 Turns of your own.
Rules for Card Making:
If its a building it must give Experiance Points depending on how good it is.
Must have a Card Number
Must Have a Name
ABCD is the maximum Options
Deck Rules:
Deck: Must be 40 Cards no more no less.
Action Deck: 80 Cards Minimum
Action Cards:
They are White
They are random events
A normal card says you must draw a action card
every 3 Turns you must draw 1 action card
Example Cards:

Templates,Fonts and 2 Example Cards:
edited 3×, last 31.10.09 09:52:23 pm