
Change xiolions name?
1 yes
2 no
(if yes new vote for name will commense)
edited 1×, last 05.12.09 02:16:20 pm

this sounds something greek
well wats the meaning of this thing?

Can people tell me why i have such a small fan base for xiolion?
edited 1×, last 07.12.09 11:03:01 pm
edited 1×, last 22.12.09 12:53:53 am
JadeStone has written
All the models are just preparation because they will all be in there im just making everything little by slow
JadeStone has written
Note: When downloading the mod the credits is in the credits button in the mod it self and this mod protected by law. (Stealing from this mod is illegal you must have my permission)I'm about to switch from this computer to my new alienware soon so may not be working on it.
Note: When downloading the mod the credits is in the credits button in the mod it self and this mod protected by law. (Stealing from this mod is illegal you must have my permission)I'm about to switch from this computer to my new alienware soon so may not be working on it.
(my edits are in bold)
XioLion Credits has written
Jadestone: Creator of Xiolion!
WithoutName: Creator of the Cooking Script and alot of help to the team!
Massive Mod: Playing it gave me ideas and i used some icons. Builder: I don't remember you asking me for icons.
Mod Garida: Hud,Terrain,Some Icons,Some Models,Some Scripts I havent used anything yet except icons and models nothing else has been done.
Stranded Lost in Space: Some Models and IconsI only used the wooden lockers from stranded lost in space.
Czechstention: Building Models (BTW hudjan isent around anymore and the mod is unfinished so its up for grabs)(it wasent protected either) Builder: Just because the mod is unfinished doesn't mean "its up for grabs". And yes, it was protected. It was protected because it wasn't MADE BY YOU.
Standed I: Wall and Wall Corner (I Reskined them from a crappy bamboo to the new planks)
MKVCS: I looked at the code alot to take refrence on things to understand some of the coding and fix things i was doing without the fourms help also recently im using some models i will be using some scripts too but not yet.
Pixel Hunter: Made the Bear Trap model (He better be remaking it)
Vectar666: Help every now and again
Blootshot: Help every now and again and the cureing arrow (i made the combination)
If anyone dosent want there stuff in here ill take it out just tell me.
This modification can not be modified/editited and cannot have anything be taken from this mod without premission of said creator. Builder: What about everyone else who you've stolen content from?
WithoutName: Creator of the Cooking Script and alot of help to the team!
Massive Mod: Playing it gave me ideas and i used some icons. Builder: I don't remember you asking me for icons.
Mod Garida: Hud,Terrain,Some Icons,Some Models,Some Scripts I havent used anything yet except icons and models nothing else has been done.
Stranded Lost in Space: Some Models and IconsI only used the wooden lockers from stranded lost in space.
Czechstention: Building Models (BTW hudjan isent around anymore and the mod is unfinished so its up for grabs)(it wasent protected either) Builder: Just because the mod is unfinished doesn't mean "its up for grabs". And yes, it was protected. It was protected because it wasn't MADE BY YOU.
Standed I: Wall and Wall Corner (I Reskined them from a crappy bamboo to the new planks)
MKVCS: I looked at the code alot to take refrence on things to understand some of the coding and fix things i was doing without the fourms help also recently im using some models i will be using some scripts too but not yet.
Pixel Hunter: Made the Bear Trap model (He better be remaking it)
Vectar666: Help every now and again
Blootshot: Help every now and again and the cureing arrow (i made the combination)
If anyone dosent want there stuff in here ill take it out just tell me.
This modification can not be modified/editited and cannot have anything be taken from this mod without premission of said creator. Builder: What about everyone else who you've stolen content from?
I finally got around to trying XioLion about five minutes ago. After the 100 mb downloaded finished, I took a look inside. You've got two full installations within the zip file. Furthermore, you seem to have found every model you could get your hands on and put it in the gfx directory.
While you *did* credit the model makers, you did *not* ask for their permission. At least, I know you didn't ask for *my* permission to use all icons and models from Massive Mod. (which makes me doubt if you asked anyone else)
The *only* model and icon I gave you permission to use (after you refused to stop bugging me about it) was the wooden grill model I made. Instead, you've got the entire gfx directory of MM, including the treehouses that I asked aletes for permission to use and a few models from Kidnap Mod I asked HudaJan for permission.
Did you ask gradir, HudaJan, Bloodshot, Royal_Flash, the various model makers involved in the ext mod, mc_leaf, aletes, bizzl, Maenardil, ect, for permission to use their models? Irregardless of whether or not you've used the models yet, you still have them packed up with the mod.
If "stealing from this mod is illegal you must have my permission" (as you've said), then perhaps you should respect other mod makers? I gave you permission to use the grill. Remove everything else that you took from MM. I would also suggest you remove anything else you've not personally asked the maker for permission to use.
that's neither fair nor legal!
please care about that problem as soon as possible or you are not welcome anymore at this place.
Builder, I suppose informing the other mod leaders about this issue. Can you inform the English mod leaders? I will tell the German guys about this, ok?

Bloodshot has written
Yes, I gave him permission to use my models, mod's scripts, and anything else of mine, and even made some of his models for him. Also, about HudaJan, he gave me permission to combine mods and use his stuff, and my mod is usable regardless of given credit. Since I gave permission to everyone to use my mod, and Kidnap Mod is part of My Stranded (Previously MKVCS) the models are up for grabs. That's some lawyer talk

Wrong. Merely because I give person A (who came and talked to me) permission to use my models does not mean that I give person A the right to give *my models* to person B, or for person C to take the models from person A.
Bloodshot is supremely correct
If someone gave him permission to use the models for his mod then the models become part of his mod
so he asked to use his mod which means all the models that are present
so thats why you need to think before giving permission
Bloodshot has written
But Person A stated that All and Any part of his mod may be taken, and when person I gave permission to person A, he knew that through that he would be giving anyone permission as person A is/was.
...That's definitely not how permission works. When I make a mod and say "You may use all parts of this mod in your own work" I am only giving permission for the things *I* made. I cannot give away others work merely because they let me use it.
Furthermore, I'm not happy about the usage of models of the Stranded 2 Extension mod. Since I don't hold the copyrights (I'm mainly a scripter), I can't do anything about it. But since you, JadeStone, also used RoyalFlash's models without a permission (he is not happy about this either, as he told me), I'm not sure if RoyalFlash will try to stop this by contacting the mediafire support. Before this happens, please do remove the upload, remove the copyrighted parts of the mod you didn't get permission to use (including the files part of SExt and/or those models made by McLeaf if he didn't give you permission to use them) so you can re-upload it without the risk of getting in trouble because someone decides to take a lawyer and sue you. The punishments for copyright crimes are rather high as far as I know, so I wouldn't take the risk...
i dont use anything unless i ask if i can
BloodShot gave me premission for everything
Garida gave me premission to use everything except scripts but its fine if i learn from them
Builder gave me premission to use the grill (dont deny it i will bring up how we made an aggreement)(i dont need to get premission for a icon are you CRAZY its just a freaking icon not a model omg you are so uptight)
Without Name let me use all of his stuff
Czechstention is dead and dident get a legalizing contract to not use things in it so its fine (i legalized mine)
S2EXT i dident get premission but everyone else was using it and i found ext folder with all of s2ext files in them so i thought it was fine but if its not im not taking it out some things are already planned with the models...(This includs royalflashes models)
Stranded Lost in Space i dident get premission from but i thought it was dead if its not ok ill take out them i dident have anything planned for them
if you guys keep this up im just stopping xiolion because i dont want to make things for people who dont appreciate anything i do... i know 13 people who like stranded and love my mod i could just make it for them
I also just think that i should leave the forums because im getting a bad rep on german and english it sucks
edited 7×, last 24.12.09 10:01:17 pm