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S2EXT: EVERYONE IS USING THE FUCKING MODELS edited 112×, last 25.12.09 05:27:07 am
Admin/mod comment
removed your attention whore exclamation mark spam /DC looks good..
release date?
good look Why will release this mod? Paulas800 has written
Why will release this mod?
Because he wants to
learn english and stop using translators
BTW i like the idea of the SE mod
so sad you are gonna slow it what modeling program do you use? 3dsMax and Maya Sometimes. Im uploading the beta 1 right now i just woke up lol i wanted to sleep longer but some ones dog slammed into the front door...
Things i need to make sure:
What model types does it allow i know 3ds and B3d but is there anymore i was hoping Max and Mdl.
BTW i like the idea of the SE mod
so sad you are gonna slow it
Check out the Stranded SE mod topic
you going to like what i said there because
that means ill be working on it alot. edited 1×, last 29.10.09 06:42:44 am
looking forward to next release, this looks like it could be on par with massive mod Yes,its good mod!Good models!
guess you are a good modeller
a real good one
nice i like it (STOP STARING xD)
you could make it apart from survival
like an action thing in which you fight for survival (not same)
or a sandbox type mod just because survival types dont get famous without something new as Builder is already adding great thing to his survival expansion Im working on making building more versitile like you can change the pitch roll and yaw of the objects as well as the x y and z instead of being limited also im going to work on when building theres a new button called script and you could click on objects and script them (it would turn debug mode on so you can see the id's)
Im also focusing on building more than the survival aspect even thou it doesent look like it i want to make more building and make it never ending fun even when you build everything.
mean while i need some one to make 2 models for me (i know i can do it im just doing alot of home work i was out from school for half a month and now i gotta do all the work that was at school and home work) i need a iron bear trap open and closed models and a wood bear trap open and closed but broken.
im also working on making it that animals attack your camp so you have to defend it some times.
Also if any one is interested i would like a team. One thing
the animals roam about in your camp without fire
if you make a fireplace no animal will come near
I think I just had a heart attack. Your mod need new Title.bmp!I make for you Title.bmp..Download?Wait please! Theres a download ok and i dident make a title because i just dident so if you will make me one the title needs to be made out of bamboo and needs to be covered in ants.
FYI im using my old models. edited 1×, last 31.10.09 12:45:47 am
Paulas800 has written
Your mod need new Title.bmp!I make for you Title.bmp..Download?Wait please!
Oh for God sakes.
Paulas800, why the hell are you bothering the other modders while you have your own mod? Finish it because it's boring or better - it sucks.
So work on it before going thread-to-thread saying that you can help.
Help yourself!
Many people think like me. i was kind just happy for the help
but if i can find help in any way im willing to except it like if you find a penny with it heads up on the ground your not going to just leave it there your going to pick it up and say WOOT good luck :P. I like the sound of all the new features you have listed. I have one question tho, when will you be releasing the next update for download. Its still listing the original download.