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English greater islands area

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old greater islands area

User Off Offline

Yo muffas. Modding and editing sourcecode using Stranded!!! Cool game by the way. I'm by way of creating a mod... Tiss more like the expansion, I'm using the exp. items/objects/units/etc. But i'm doing this in english.

Know there's a lot of mods goin round so I'll just ask you to shut up bout that and give me some ideas for scripting. Kewl???

Right.... Any ideas on copychildren from an object/item/unit((STORAGE)) from one map and then pastchildren to another object/item/unit((STORAGE)) in another map.

Say I build a ship. I then use that ship to store stuff. Then I traverse to another map (loadmap). On start of the second map I want that ship(from the previous map) to be in play in the new map with all items stored still on board. Any ideas???

Admin/mod comment

hey little attention whore! don't write titles in capital letters! I fixed that for you. /DC

old Re: greater islands area

Admin On Online

you have to save all the crap, change the map and load it afterwards. yeah. it's that simple.

old Re: greater islands area

User Off Offline

yeah... but can you help with the scripts???
like how do I use the pastechildren function to write to an external file and then how do I import that data to the newly spawned/builded unit/object/item???

old Re: greater islands area

User Off Offline

well, I don't really know. It's just scriptcommand with the result of copying the entire unit/object/item's var's.
if I use this code:
>copychildren "object",currentid(),1,1,1,1,0;
>pastechildren "unit",$id,1,1,1,1; //$id is target ID
then all items stored in the "object" is copied to the "unit".
edited 1×, last 06.08.09 08:32:12 pm
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