Could someone make a Sea Life Mod? Animals that are REQUIRED IN MOD: Dolphin, Whale and orca (orcas are NOT WHALES, THEY ARE DOLPHINS!), Squid, Octopus, (here is where you can ad ONLY SEA LIFE but your choice!).
Objects: sunken ship (any kind), Coral (at least 5), and whatever you want here!
Please try your best to make these!
Admin/mod comment
Don't use capslock in title. Fixed. /TheKilledDeath Make it yourself? Such a mod needs much work, and nobody will make something like this for you (if he is not working on it till now) Hmm, if you really know nothing about editing the game I could make a few quick (but functional) examples of the animals. But I have absolutely no unique models do you'd see a dolphin that looked like a huge pirahna.
And possibly you might have issues with the default availible behaviours... You could pretty much just have fish and predatorfish behaviours I guess, might not need much else, just saying.