Stranded II
s2 updates?
s2 updates?
4 replies will there ever be any s2 updates?i know, people could make mods as updates but, it would be cool for ppl who dont know how to even get the mod into stranded 2(i do)and it would be fun to get another update or maybe s3
heres some ideas:
pets, more units, maybe multiplayer, different adventure
lvl gold and xp system(maybe), more aquatic animals, cool vehicles like cars, spaceships, submarines, armor for protection against attacks, more states, like drowning, rabbies, frostbite, or common cold, already made scripts, like:teleport to another level, choosable for unit to walk or remain idle, buildings such as:fence circle with door(for sheep n stuff) incubator(for eggs n stuff) heppiness ratings(if you get sad you slower if happy=faster) dramatic events:tornado, earthquake, tsunami, hurricane, or if you out to sea too far theres a current the keeps you under and drowns you, option to make island bigger without going to new->small medium or big, hills mountain normal etc->and deleting everything you have in the current island for a bigger one.i would like to go on but my fingers are hurting, this probably cant be done with DC having no time on his hands, but if anyone could make a mod like this youd be the greatest legend in da world!
you dont have to post your own ideas but it would be cool, no bad comments alowed .
thank you for reading!i hope there are enough ideas for it not to be a stupid thread and for DC to actualy make it!
sicerly:Firedrake101 I cant remember something was posted like this, but its the same thread-class like "please make a new mod" or "dc please make s3". Correct me if i am wrong; but this is the same, just nicer and longer. Save your time and dont write threads like this. Go out with friends or learn how to mod (tutorial:
Btw.: you can not forbid (?google translator) us to write bad comments. This is a forum. Take your saved time and learn what this is, too. No, there won't be any official S2 Updates anymore. DC is working on CS2D and Carnage Contest.
However, McLeaf is editing the source code to make an inofficial update, where many bugs get fixed and new functions get built in. Hope for you that he will translate it into english too.
S3 won't be done that fast. If you see how long DC worked on S2, S3 will need MUCH more time. As DC hasn't started yet, you will soonest get S3 in 5 years or so.
About the multiplayer:
Learn Blitz3D programming and write it yourself. Noone of us is good enough to write it, and we ALL want one. So we would be pleased if you wrote it
I saw somewhere about Blitz3d proggraming
maybe it was in the partners section
Maybe it was Eizdealer ok, ill try and lern blitz3d programming.hopefully i might be able to get it in like, a year or somethin.