Stranded II
[MOD] UI Mod
[MOD] UI Mod
6 replies I thought the graphics for the game could use some sprucing up, so I thought I would start with a simple UI mod that people can use normally, on top of other mods or include with their own mod. It is only going to modify the sys graphics, but I might do other stuff later in another mod.
I am really new, so if something like this exists please let me know, even though it is mostly done already. I did see some UI graphics included with other mods, but the two I saw were big changes (one was stone and one was bamboo). I tried to keep this close to the original idea, but just generally make it less cartoonish.
Title screen.
Editor. This is the only place with icons that aren't done. I am not sure I will mess with them as I am really only concerned with gameplay, but we'll see.
Gameplay. You can see I got rid of the wood graphics here. I originally had them, but decided I liked this more modern look.
Storage and Inventory. I didn't do a pic of the active icons in inventory just inactive, maybe I'll take a pic later.
Comments and suggestions are welcome. I don't really think I like the current Character/Sack/Diary Icons so I'll probably try to figure something else out. hey, this looks nice
good work! Can we get a download link? (You can upload it here , in the Files section)
I really like it Wow just WOW
but you need some more graphic improvement when you release it I think you mod will great,but you will need some help to make it good and fast! I'm gonna
stranded 2 back
Okay, here is a link to a first version of this. Like I said, I haven't worked on editor only stuff (at least not on purpose). If you notice something I didn't edit that is or can be used in game, even if it requires a mod or something, let me know. I may end up editing all of the icons anyways.
If you have suggestions or comments or anything else please post and let me know. I did not update the screenshots, but there are some new/different things from the above shots.
To use this, make a back up of your sys/gfx folder and then unzip this. I did not include all the original files to keep the file size down, so you need to install this over the original.
File: I've tested it. It seems great to me!