Rate latest version!
s2v666 is in progress;
New button - reload;
reloading weapons like in stranded 2 HQ;
Some weapons have in-hand models.
Singleplayer version
Multiplayer version edited 16×, last 06.08.11 01:14:19 pm
Admin/mod comment
the projects forum is for Unreal Software projects only! moved to SII forum /DC What do you mean saying "finished adventure"? He got home at the end, isn't the game finished?
s2rus translating is in progress.
Yeeeah! I'll be happy if you'll do it. If you want, i could help you
Fix this thing please:
When i was walking around.I found a rocky piece of something,got in there,after falling tru' some dirt,aproximattedly 2 seconds i died without warning at all.No sound's of some zombie alert or some rock-trespassin' sniper headshot.,anything.
Just died.
Or it is really freaked out.
Or you didnt finished the amazing mod.
Also zombie model looks like a crappy piece of beachstone,with a incredible capacity to carry bones and flesh around,with some
face,and a incredible sense of just clawing you,removing his head then putting it back.Dying aparently with his head getting out isn't much funny.I am no modeller.That model looks like a real elevator.
Can we get a link? I've looked all over, >.< Go to strandedII mods in the files section of Unrealsoftware. I think I noticed it there CaHbKo has written
What do you mean saying "finished adventure"? He got home at the end, isn't the game finished?
Download v666 mod. It has new adventure and it is not finished.
> http://www.unrealsoftware.de/files_show.php?file=1288 <
IHateElevators has written
When i was walking around.I found a rocky piece of something,got in there,after falling tru' some dirt,aproximattedly 2 seconds i died without warning at all.No sound's of some zombie alert or some rock-trespassin' sniper headshot.,anything.
Just died.
This is unfinished adventure. I made death after 2 seconds becouse there was not a normal map. edited 2×, last 23.06.09 10:03:20 am
how do i install it? like which folder do i put it in? souro has written
how do i install it? like which folder do i put it in?
put in s2\mods.
Then Download mod starter.
(or make the shortcut and type an option: -mod "stranded II V666")
Or change name "Stranded II V666" to "Stranded II" and put instead of original s2. edited 1×, last 29.06.09 08:50:19 am
when do u end this mod pls end it end this awesome mod stranded 2 in kurdisch is better xDDDDDDDDDD
Nice that is what i call a holded weapon
(not that bmp crap.) I have been uploaded new version.
Reload button;
inhand weapons(Beta version);
bottle of fuel;
Chaingun inhand model, which are rotating while shooting! this is the best stranded i never played. is very cool. the interface is good.
sorry for bat english @T-REX0113
you said never played it should be ever played
BTW i bugged you for fun
Yahoo another update from a different platform mod that dont have the main aim to survive the wild
Can you complete a better adventure? Oh, I made no more dying in second map, but it has no end. I need mappers or writers... I wanna apply
it doesnt matter what is it as ill do it lazily but surely complete it Ok, I really need mappers! Write here if you want to! Vectar666 has written
Ok, I really need mappers! Write here if you want to!
First tell the genre then concept and then your idea
you can contact me anywhere you like except toilet Ok. If you played my mod, you saw menu map. Tunnels, soldiers, zombies, skeletons must be. And weapons and ammo through the dungeon. And I will edit map for extra gameplay and dialogs with friendly soldiers(SWNs and some new)