
15 replies

because I don't see any other reason why it shouldn't work!
Use the Task Manager and close Processes, not from SYSTEM. from your User Acc.

make sure you got the latest video card drivers. moreover you could try different graphics settings in SII
for example disable/reduce grass (it's pretty slow) or use lower water quality (shouldn't make a big difference on modern video cards).
maybe the 64 bit os leads to this problem. I don't know. never used a 64 bit system.
Isen't there some "Run as 32-bit"

Try lowering the settings too
3.33ghz is not slow, enouh for s2 anyway

Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600
8GB DDR2 800 RAM
512MB Vid (GeForce 8600GT)
Vista Ultimate 64Bit
With everything maxed out, it runs smooth as butter. I don't even have to make it run in 32bit support, unless it's doing it automatically. I'd say go with the most up to date drivers, as well as the correct drivers for your hardware solution. You shouldn't have to lower the graphics to get it to run on the newer machines. And I seriously doubt that Stranded is using any technology your hardware doesn't support. Other than that, just make sure you don't have a ton of other programs running in the background eating up ram and your drivers are up to date.

4Gb of RAM
GTX 260 876Mb of Memeory
Windows Vista 64x Ultimate
I get a decent framerate of 31 FPS on a large map with settings maxed. I believe it may be an issue with Open GL. I never complain at 31 FPS but sometimes you can tell. By large map I mean largely generated map.
My hypothesis is the game is the game uses a lot of processing power from the CPU and obviously doesn't use multiple cores. It uses a lot of AI and timed scripting events that use a single 2.4Ghz core from my computer. It also maybe the way the game was coded.
I believe a fix for this would be to Run in Administrator mode by right clicking on it and selecting todo so and possibly running in compatibility mode with Windows XP. A final fix would to simply turn down your graphics settings especially HDR.
4GB Ram!!!
i only have 512 MB...
my mom is so cheap...