
The Big Hebrew Mod Idea Thread
22 replieslast time i chacked it was impossible because you cant put the font inside

did you find a way?
edited 1×, last 05.12.08 12:53:36 pm
b=nun (")
c=bet (")
replacing a with shin at the bitmaps and so on..
but can put the site adress cause of cant write hebrew adresses,only english like
pleat contect me (in hebrew) at email
- Email address (only visible with login) -
it wiil explain it better!

i really want to translat it into hebrew for my little brothers and it will be great to find a way.
edited 1×, last 05.12.08 05:17:29 pm
it will be great!
what is the bitmap?
is the game will have hebrew letters? (or english?)
and next time dont post here,pm me
this thread is only for ideas,not questions..
ok done with levels working on (short w.o) jobs in level 10 it pops up and it tells you to sail to the next island and choose job
again credit for maplestory Global
alsp have idea for boss,not from maplestory,but either a giant T-rex/P-rex or a mega crab or a giant turtle (biter one)
edited 1×, last 18.12.08 01:04:59 pm
sniper:first job is little rubbish,takes 3 seconds to aim and shoot,second job 2 secs,3rd job a second and dourth and fifth not at all,fifth job lets you choose one abitlity of the two:
killah-hits heavily a monster in a damage of 10000 (best used on 50000 health bosses) recharge: 60 seconds
third shot-fires three shots with normal damage to each
astronaut:lets you (read destructive mod post) choose a megaweapon (one) on fifth job and all other jobs let you use more advanced rifles each job.
abilities on 5th job:
3 cannons:fires three blasts from space (used sprite info and info_sprite command) heavily explodes on ground. rechare=10 seconds,sounds like a good one:booboom,booboom,booboom...
the other:fly:lets you jump for a period of 40 seconds
in about a height of a boss (a boss will be scaled like 15 times more than a normal T-rex,WOWOW!! )
miner:a bunch of useful abilities.gets a special spade on the first job,with it can dig and find magic minerals like:
citrin:gives a boost of the ability "$aikillsteal" which you can steal coins from monsters with.
diamond:the hardest material on earth.can give a boost to "$aiattackheal" which is used to heal yourself a little when monsters are attacking you.
other useful minerals...
5th job:fire diamond:can throw a diamond to explode it for 5000 damage on monsters hit in radius. BoomBoomBangBang!@!
invincedia:uses three minerals (which will be stopelie minerals,invented the name

magician]a pretty good job to choose,first job is noobish but every job you advance make you replenish and increase more max mana and mana and offers a shock spell that fires an invisible electricity projectile and shock the monster.ill try to find a way for it to not affect bosses.
abilities on 5th]
multimedia]sounds a strong sound that only animals can hear (low frequency) that will reduce life to them (like 10099) to only the monster being hit.
the second]jeru:creates a gauss rifle for your help and 100 bullets with it.can heavily help you on tough,crowded fightes when enemies are more than 10.
and the last:builder]allows use of advanced hammer and building more advanced stuff,also advanced combinations.can use a fire hammer ability on 5th job.
5th job abilities]
fire hammer]look up,fire a flaming hammer that brings on fire and damages (2000 damage).no recharge,so you could also do it like a chain gun on crowded places
the other]shock hammer]lets you fire a hammer that shocks (also bosses) and makes them so unable to move,no damage.the only damaging abilities on this job are jackhammer at 1st job and tetanus metal in 3rd (poisenes a monster in a value of x80 of the normal poisen. (tetanus disease for those who dont know)
thats it.i must eat a clemantine

P.S. in magician i added death flash,flashes in about 1 second white flash and explodes radius 1000 and damage 1000 but only in 4th job
edited 1×, last 21.12.08 04:09:43 pm
Citrin:use it to give a boost to steal coins
Topaz:hit it to destroy it and gain 20 coins
going to have:
diamond:like sappire but stronger
instead of 3 cannons im making fire from sky (rockets fall onto your position) and explode but it makes you invulnerable so it wont kill you,good one:suprise! boom! boom! best used when you are closed to bosses
boss is gone! i repeat! boss is gone!! get back to job island and claim your 3rd job!
so others will post ideas and i respond...
i cant upload since i cant find a good uploading site and its now only in hebrew (also skyupload is gone)
This will help. Even if your mod is not in English, i think it's ok. If you don't want to use unreal software upload, use
this uploader, it's free and good.
It would be fine if you upload an English translation here so we all can have fun with your mod. Add your name in the credits and nobody will forget you. You can also build your own monument in the editor, then everyone will think of you.

sorry for my anger probs

and i cant upload it on unreal,too big for it
you wont understand the game since its in hebrew,
what is your link to a video of youtube? how its connected to my mod?
and even,you wont get track of it,the mod has many changes since,it has levels,new adventure (global game)
and you wont get the thing of the global game cause of hebrew writing,its very important..
The link to a youtube video is a ric roll, so you just got ric rolled

If your mod is just in development, leave it in hebrew, but maybe you can translate and upload the final release? Pleeeaaase. From what you have written, the mod must be great. Please translate and upload at least one version. You can even get a cookie if you want

2.i wont translate better than DC to the pretty,readable letters of english wont get understanding the idea of combining the two parts either.
4.uploading two of these will make boredoom a while of the upload will take double memory on my hard drive if i will have enlgish and hebrew (66 MB for every unzipped version) wont be able to play:
random island (levels are,when you are not in global game,useless so you will die easily when not with the correct things,you are unable to get a job also)
adventure (replaced normal adventure with global game ) wont understand the words in editor.
i think its enough reasons for me to not upload the game.
but you could learn scripting yourself,create a mod for you (ONLY for your style of play) like:
if you like fighting:big animals,bosses and lots of different ammunition chainguns (chanigun rockets,normal chaingun) like i wanna create missiles from sky
if you like farming:lots of plants and seedlings
if you like building:something like 10 (!) floor house and big turrets and building subgroups (production:land,sea,buildings:custom,1 floor,2 floor) and make things for homing customization like sofas,radios,Tv's...)
if you like songs: just open a media file and learn it yourself,playing with music ingame!
like gothic moon from roller coaster tycoon 3,try it!very beautiful at start...
or bucaneer...

But if you don't want to take the challenge, it's ok.
I can script(and a bit mod and model) myself, being already involved in S2Ext, a German mod.
I'm just happy about every good mod for S II, no matter wether it's big, small, with many weapons, seedlings, buildings, in English, German, Czech or Hebrew or whatsoever. I just think Stranded II gets better as the number of good mods available for download grows.
P.S.: I know that was pathetic.