[Shop] Clothes,guns and heal potionsHacker4ok User Offline 08.01.12 04:35:34 pm I created this mod for you! 3 Spec Clothes: Police,Bandit,Lolzor. 3 Extra Weapons: Laser,Flamethrower,RocketLauncher 4 Heal Potions: +25HP-500$,+50HP-1000$,+75HP-1500$,+100HP-2000$ Please give 5 stars Enjoy it Approved by GeoB99 (08.10.16 02:56 pm) Download 5 kb, 691 Downloads
hobo man445 User Offline 08.01.12 07:56:35 pm laser is too cheap! i dont think you should have a laser i mean unless you want a 1 hit kill server or something I like it!
Glix User Offline 08.01.12 05:51:52 pm "Please give 5 stars "? U mean please like? Nice script I like it!