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English Vampires >

4 comments2 kb, 624 Downloads

old Vampires

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In this game mode, one player of each teams becomes a vampire!

A vampire heals itself by dealing damage to enemies during his turn. It doesn't matter wheater it is made directly with a weapon or with fall damage or with mines. Only drowned enemies don't count as damage.
The damage is accumulated during the whole turn, and after that turn, the vampire gets incredible 75% of the total damage as health points!

Everything else is the same like in deathmatch mode.

Currently, vampires are just lighted red, nothing more. I am too lazy to make a better graphic. If you have an idea to make it better or if you have good drawing skills, you may want to help out here. Would be awesome.

Please note: This release is not bug-free. The script behaves strange if you play multiple rounds without restarting the server. Workaround would be clicking the weapons button and then okay. This reloads all scripts.

@all screenshot requesting dudes: This is a game mode. All it does is some health stuff. Screenshots would have no meaning, they explain nothing here.
edited 2×, last 29.06.11 09:42:29 pm
Approved by SQ

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2 kb, 624 Downloads


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I get strange error messages each time I play it. And it won't end the game even when all enemies are dead. Fix, anyone?
I like it!


User Off Offline

its a really fun gamemode because you are trying to defend your vampire as well as damage as much as you can with your vampire. But its a bit dificult to see who the vampire is. Still it get a 5/5 from me
I like it!


Idiot Off Offline

sounds cool and there isnt maney stuff at CC and u make good stuff so i dont care about screenshots.


Aneybody want to play this mode?
I like it!
edited 1×, last 13.08.11 07:52:34 pm


User Off Offline

I saw server called Vampire Mode,is that you?
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