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34 comments145 kb, 591 Downloads

old maPmaKer's (Aim) Windbreak

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Hello everybody,

• This , my friends, is my first 'Aim' map. I tryed my best here, I haven't made 'Aim' maps before, but I decided it was time to make one, right? I've worked around 5 hours for this, including background making and tileset composing. What can I tell you about this? Well, not much, you'll have to go in-game and test it by yourself. But anyway, I have made this map very careful with a lot of interest and there should be no bugs or other kind of errors. If you see something that seems bad, it may be good , so please report only real errors if you want to. If you wanna see some action in this map, then use fog of war when playing. So , below I'll put , as always, the tileset credits and the link to my mapmaking community and I hope you'll comment and rate this very good.

> First part of tileset is the default CS2D dust tileset and the second part is the dustgreen tileset made by LucasRib.

• Map made by maPmaKer.

Thank you.
edited 11×, last 08.11.11 12:55:40 pm
Approved by GeoB99

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145 kb, 591 Downloads


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Thug Life
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No comment, I let my like to talk in my place about your upload
I like it!


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You should work at valve bro
I like it!


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This would be an epic TF2 map.
I like it!


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You have imagination.
I like it!:]
I like it!


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just wow.
I like it!


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i'm deaf map like
I like it!


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Yeah, I like it. You're best CS2D mapper
I like it!


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Thank you sir, thank you!


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I like it...
I like it!


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woow, thats well balanced map, i like the 2 enviroments on it
I like it!


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Nice map Gj
I like it!


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Well, I guess everyone below had already expressed my opinion about this map. So Ill just rate it 5/5

Btw, CrazyBooy, are you blind or something? He actually used a very dIfFerEnT tileset. If thats not dIfFerEnT enough for you, then you are deffinetly blind.
I like it!


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I had to use this tileset because of the need of a special effect. Due to those 2 tilesets contained into a single one, I was able to create the effect of fusion.

Anyway thank you for your rating and comment and I also thank to others, too!


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You could use different tileset.
I like it!


Apache uwu
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I'm totally going to use this, so many camping spots I bet if I run it on my server it's going to be like a bunch of noobs hiding in the trees. It actually forces people to team-stack as well as camp.

The upside is how it's horizontal layout, this is very uncommon because most map creators know it's easier for players--especially noobs to move left and right while in combat. That makes it certain that the map approach points are either up or down. What your map does is total isolation to both methods. Either you are a complete professional playing the game you can strafe in left right approach, or you're a complete noob and you team-stack and camp at base. This will probably make pro players rage quit because of all the noobs that are camping.

However if it's a map of all pro players then it will be the complete opposite. Most players will constantly be checking the trees to see if there are any players that are hiding, possibly taking the attention away from incoming enemies, it is a side approach and there are not many approach points (1)--so it's a very good map to play in...guided there are not many noobs on one team.

If I could redesign I would add at least another approach point--most likely on the y axis, and remove a few camping spots, like lining a few up so you can kill 2 campers without even knowing.

It's really good, 5/5
I like it!


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good work mapMaker..i like..
I like it!


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Thank you all very much. Now I am working on my new map, I hope you'll like it, too!


Soul King
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this map original! very good
I like it!

old o.O

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Epic map :DD
Awesome aim map
I like it!


The Gone
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Wonderful design and tiles. AWESOME.
[AURA] Team
I like it!
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