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English zm_bloodelustur >

1 comment116 kb, 311 Downloads

old zm_bloodelustur

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You have been hiding in the safehouse for months.Your friend said that all of you are going to die but a minute later you hear a heli.You break the barricades using the weapon's butt and the time you look at the skies you see something falling and make a big noise and also a puke landed on your face.As you investigate you see weapons and a bandage.
Survive until it is sunset!(time left is 0) and you win or kill the survivors!
if you cant find the survivor try finding him in the forest and if you cant try hitting the air randomly but check the safehouse FIRST before the forest.

out of ammo?search for weapons around the map.

if a player is afk or cheating kick him.
Declined by GeoB99
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this map is big and stupid
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