
> > CS2D > Maps > CT Vs T Race by 4yu! V3
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English CT Vs T Race by 4yu! V3 >

4 comments120 kb, 408 Downloads

old CT Vs T Race by 4yu! V3

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Hello again! Now ive released the V3 of my map: CT Vs T Race by 4yu!

The objective of this map is simple: Make your team win
How to win: If you survive till the end then step on your team color (If u are a ct, then step AFTER the blue tiles at the end, if you are a t, then step AFTER the RED tiles, ignore the yellow tile in the middle, that make the specs win xD)

√You can modify this map according to your like
×You can NOT say that its yours/upload as yours (at least without my permission)

And whats new?
Spoiler >

Enjoy the map ! If it is bad then TELL ME WHY and i will see what i can do
You can PM me for suggestions about what you want in the map
Dont forget to rate and comment!
edited 4×, last 17.01.11 08:08:26 pm
Declined by GeoB99
The quality of the file is too low! Please invest more time and only upload stuff which is actually good. Do not upload your first "5 minute"-attempts. Sorry, but nobody wants to see and download stuff like that!

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120 kb, 408 Downloads


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Ok now that i added more info, can you fix your rate?

old :|

Wall lll
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The map is okay , but plz put more information about this map... like the objective of this map ... where to go , how to win...


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i think you cant do it in 5 mins.. not too small, not too short



af is lagger and its bad. I make this map in 5 min.
edited 1×, last 08.01.11 04:26:31 pm
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