
> > CS2D > Lua Scripts > Locmod 1.0
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English Locmod 1.0 >

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old Locmod 1.0

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> Version 1.0 (public release) <
> Made by user Crazyx & user uPraTe6 <

I've been helped with Lua and decided to create a Lua script called Locmod (obviously meaning location mod).

This script simply shows the player's country when ever he joins the server.

√ You are allowed to use this in your server.
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• Note (15/07/2017)
I disallowed ratings and comments when I first uploaded this because of the lack of screenshots. I'm allowing them again because come on, it's a script and it's pretty much self-explanatory.
edited 4×, last 15.07.17 09:49:35 pm
Approved by EngiN33R

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995 kb, 1,329 Downloads



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