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48 comments2 kb, 562 Downloads

old Iron Man Mark 5/Suitcase Armor for ST6 (DEVGRU)

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Hi fellow CS2D Players and Iron Man fans and stuff.

I wanna welcome you to the 2ND Iron Man Generation 2 player model!

The Iron Man Mark 5/ Suitcase Armor Player Model!

The Iron Man Mark 5/ Suitcase Armor is a Iron Man suit that can turn into a suitcase and into a Iron Man suit. This suit is seen in Iron Man 2 when Anthony "Tony" Stark a.k.a Iron Man
first encounters Ivan Vanko a.k.a Whiplash at the Monaco Grand Prix. Tony uses the Iron Man Mark 5 to defeat Whiplash.

Also, It's good to be back here at UnrealSoftware after days at school so it's kinda like a month without touching a goddamn keyboard so this is my player model for Iron Man fans and CS2D players.

List of things coming this October:
1. Iron Man Mark VI (6) V.5 for CT2
2. Iron Man Mark II (2) V.2 for CT4
3. War Machine V.3 for CT3
4. Ivan Vanko a.k.a Whiplash for T1
5. Battle Damage Iron Man Mark VI (6)

Player model Packs coming:
1. The Iron Man Armor Pack
2. The Iron Man 2 Player Pack
3. The Iron Man 2 HD Player Pack

So have fun with my awesome Iron Man player model.

-Autobot Bumblebee I.M.S.C
Approved by GeoB99

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Oh, I forgot to add that I will be doing a Iron Man Mark VI (6) v.5 Update because I found many wrong parts.


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@Autobot Thanks you. I always thought that Ironman wa red and yellow, at least in the game
4/5 then
I like it!


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@Sunny Autumn, Yes you are a TVC Member and I respect that and actually this is the Iron Man Mark 5 Suit so maybe you missed the movie, In the movie, The Suit is has white parts in shoulders,helmet faceplate, legs, etc.

@Yojo Yes, I am making one right now.

@Schwazzz I see you... IN THE BANNED SECTION.

@The Camo Hey dude, I need a help with something.

@Schwazz You do not say bad things to our clan, f*ggot!
And don't bring my friend in the situation, you f*cking loser.

@Redefinder, It's okay, At least he said it in a good way, but not like those who were banned by DC Anyways, I respect Sunny Autumns word, But personally, I dunno how to shade player models

@Schwazz try to make a better skin than this, Maybe after 3 minutes..... EPIC FAIL. You're skin has failed...
So who's the kid now?
edited 3×, last 05.10.10 10:17:41 am


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@YOJO redefinder got into this because he is the CAN leader? For example
I like it!


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@Bumblebee make an update for your skin, and just forget about the rating because your skin is good

@redefinder how did you get into this ?

@schwazzz trolling only shows how disgraceful you and your clan is, so you better stop that because you are human not a troll.

No wonder why you are banned

DC I am sorry for the offtopic and rude language and I promise that it wont ever happen again
I like it!


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@redefinder I am happy that you thought more of me, but my friend is in TVC. Friends stand up for each other, y'know what I'm saying. Besides, I like TVC, the members there. We are like on true team.
Sure, I might fail making something like this, but it doesn't mean I can't critique this. I rated "It's okay". It means it is good. But not so good.
I like it!


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@Sunny Autumn, I'm ashamed of you, I didn't think a good guy such as you would be on his side, the skin sucks? No, I don't think so. Try making something like it, I bet you'd fail.

@Schwazzz, could you please stop flaming, AGAIN? This download isn't for your childish trolling/flaming(you ignored DC's warning btw)...

So stop this once and for all(I bet 10 bucks that this will get closed).
I like it!


The Camo
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@Schwazzz, Lol, I don't need team here, its weird to have clan in 2D game.


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@Autobot Bumblebee ISMC
I think you have a BUTTHURT.
@Sunny Autumn
This skin sucks, and those kids really like to answer my provoke messages. Also, about drug addict... I don't like to talk about it, it's only Nick's thing. We're all clean.
@The Camo
Hey, you're from (CAN) suckers' clan?


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STOP FUCKING SPAMMING! There, I sweared without censoring (***).
@Shwazzz This is really going nowhere. Just say that this skin sucks! (it actually does).
@devilmonkey Do you even know how to spell right or put punctuation marks?
@Bumblebee This skin is fine, but it still sucks. Sorry, I am not saying this because I am a TVC, it's just that the red color is not Ironman'ish and instead of white there should be yellow. Some shading won't hurt too.
Something about this CAN vs TVC thing. Sure, we can be wrong sometimes, but you use drug addiction as an argument. It is kind of back stabbing. At least, we don't do that.
I like it!


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@Schwazzz you calling me a f*cking kid asshole? How about I call you Douche-Fag Kid who doesn't know to shut his f*cking mouth up?


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I like Iron Man he is awesome!
but 4 for u.))
I want to see HD skin))
I like it!


The Camo
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@Schwazzz, Are you rating his team or his skin?...
Also, acting as a tough guy over the Internet wont get you anywhere. Settle your personal problems over PMs.

For the file, why don't you try shading the model? add some light to head, it will have better results.


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@schwazzz uuu web cam what are gonna picture us to death lol i can make more then 1 for exp super deathagnel and poul7 happy
I like it!


BANNED Off Offline

lolwhat? Everybody hate it, you, (CAN) member. I don't know how you can be so stupid, to like [TVC] memz, but show me at least one member (except LT.Ghost - he betrayed us) who likes (CAN) and you all, newfags.
Also, soon I'll buy a web-cam, all of you will have BUTTHURT, when you'll see me. I guarantee that.


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@Schwazzz leave bumblebee out of this this is fight betwean you and yojo and your so colled girl friend a.k.a you.tvc people like can people and we like them but we dont like you all cans in favor thet we be good to tvc but not lady sor or sol and schwazzz say I!
I like it!


BANNED Off Offline

Thanks, cap! Didn't you notice, "butthurt" obviously provokes other users to violate the rules and flame. CRASH @ DESTROY. That's right, I wonder how do you know that. The only reason why I did that - trolling, and provocation, so, 5 stars for you, holmes.
@Autobot Bumblebee ISMC
Hey, kid, don't you know what butthurt is? OK, I'll tell you. What you're feeling right now is a BUTTHURT.


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@Schwazzz, Okay Schwazzz you have taken this too far dude,
if you call me "Butthurt" one more time, I f*cking swear, I will f*cking do bad things to you, Watch and see.


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Schwazzz: you are violating the rules. read the rules and obey or leave this website. people are complaining via pm already and that's f*cking annyoing. I HATE it when they do that.

your retarded "butthurt" crap obviously provokes other users and is therefore a rule violation.

moreover the "reason" for your 1-star rating is just pure nonsense.

this whole crap looks like intended provocation, also called trolling or flaming.


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Seems kinda easy but looks cool !!!
I like it!
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