piWi - sf_mirageJite User Offline 22.10.16 01:14:43 pm Greetings! General Information Name: sf_mirage Creator: piWi Gamemode: Standard Bomb / Defuse Screenshots + Mapexport Mapexport Higher Quality Do not reupload the map. Do not claim the map as yours. Do not edit the map. Cheers and Have Fun! Also see piWi - de_cpl_mill + Tileset (13) and piWi - de_verdict (6) edited 3×, last 11.12.16 12:00:11 pm Approved by DC (22.10.16 01:20 pm) Download 254 kb, 498 Downloads
boncuk User Offline 23.10.16 07:17:15 pm Good job piwi, If i can give you an idea, make a remake of the Default mappack of cs2d, because you already make a lot of remakes like cs_office and some others, yes, that will take time but, its just a idea, nice retiled I like it!
kerker User Offline 23.10.16 06:56:31 pm @ Lobwver: I heard that the status of the users give over a good file. But about the remakes - I didn't know. I like it!
BlackBelt User Offline 23.10.16 03:09:46 am As the time pass, you guys are getting better, well done there I like it!
Jite User Offline 22.10.16 06:04:35 pm @ VADemon: That's the only question which comes up when I upload my maps sf = superfinals edited 1×, last 22.10.16 09:53:44 pmAdmin/mod comment §2.4 - Use tags sparingly and only when they add value
DC Admin Offline 22.10.16 04:02:54 pm lol I liked the screenshots and didn't look into the zip. Of course I knew Jite would fix it!
Hajt User Offline 22.10.16 01:23:05 pm make some noise for this guy EDIT: archive without map and DC approved I like it!