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English minecraft_halloween V.2.5 >

19 comments21 kb, 578 Downloads

old minecraft_halloween V.2.5

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flame Attention flame
Before checking the file , i would say that this isn't a adventure map at all , it's just mc map , i uploaded it so mc servers can use it!

> Rules!
√ Use it!
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∗ What is new?
• 1st - Now looks like real minecraft!
• 2nd - Now uses torchs instead of white sprites and lamps in night.
• 3rd - Now it's much more harder to get laser!
• 4th - Disco removed and replaced with random minecraft soundtracks

PS : Due to size of the sfx and gfx , i can't upload full file so i uploaded in this link the sfx and gfx , and map is uploaded via unrealsoftware

∗ Credits :-
user _oops For helping me in doors , soundtracks and also allowing me to use his images.
And special thanks for who made the tiles!
edited 1×, last 08.07.15 01:04:45 pm
Approved by Seekay

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21 kb, 578 Downloads


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Man, nostalgia hits hard.
I like it!


BANNED Off Offline

its easy to get Door sounds from The original minecraft folder by typing (%appdata%/minecraft./sounds)
The map is good , it looks like The real MC by adding those clouds .
like √
@user Thug Life: what do you think about marcus notch ? he"s playing Minecraft too.
I like it!


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anyway guys , just leave this "shit" for minecraft servers.


Thug Life
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@user Kirito2K: Dude, I don't need to talk about my mapping skills, also when did I say that this map isn't playable? I told you that kids play it, not the usually players which are mature. I don't care where this map was used, also I think playing mc is a waste of time. Do you think that cs 1.6 has a lot of maps related to mc as cs2d?


Reviewer Off Offline

Uninspired theme. Below average level design. Not build with a specific gamemode in mind.

This is cancer.


Moderator Off Offline

Cheetz has written
We have enough of these shitty maps, now stop.

Cheetz has written
then I might as well whine about them not removing shitty duplicates from the file archive.

Okay √

Your whine is my command, user KimKart
You're welcome.

Most if not all minecraft maps look bad. They just don't fit in CS2D
This one isn't an exception... It looks bad and it's not just one details, the whole thing...

Anyways, sorry about the delay, I dislike reading long comments especially if I'm not interested so I was hoping that user useigor would do something since he normally moderates comment section of uploads. I guess I'll have to haul my lazy ass for once .-.


Idiot Off Offline

Pirates killer has written
2 pages isn't enough of mc maps

Trust me, it's more than enough.
Because of all these custom maps, people make custom .lua scripts, and vice versa. This results in CS2D becoming a game engine where people make their own custom (and most of the time shit) 2D games.
These days the majority of the serverlist is filled up with crap mods that nobody, but your below average 9-year old would enjoy.

Imagine a new player trying out this game. He'd leave in the 1st five minutes because this wouldn't be the 2D shooter that he was promised.

And then you act surprised that the playerbase is dying off, except for the kids that play it all day long just because they've got nothing better to do with their lives.

Also, if you're going to whine about moderators not doing their job by letting me flame, then I might as well whine about them not removing shitty duplicates from the file archive.
But sine both of these things are considered OK up untill a certain point, you're more than welcome to shut the fuck up.


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@user KimKart: No thanks i won't fuck my self , i think u should fuck ur self instead !

@user 1uP: Thanks.

@user Thug Life: I've learned already how to count , also talk about yourself in mapping , this map contains hot tricks as well, and not only kids plays minecraft , some adults love to play at , and this old version of this map was used on most mc servers and u said "This map isn't play able", well ur wrong.

and also 2 pages isn't enough of mc maps , while other zombie or even some 1min made maps have tons of pages.
edited 2×, last 14.07.16 11:14:34 am


Thug Life
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1. Learn how to count: are 2 pages related to minecraft here.
2. Learn how to make good maps if you want to have success with your creations.
3. Stuffs, related to games which usually kids play it (minecraft, sonic, mario, zelda etc) in a map, never will bring the pleasure of players to play it only if it looks very realistic (take the Misho's maps related to minecraft as example).
I played this map on your server and I found it a bullshit suitable for kids (bcz angry players and the ones who are using hacks are sometimes kids).
So, deal with the criticism till you'll give us, not a great map, but a good one which can be played atleast.


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i preffer the 1 version but this one is not bad at all
I like it!


Idiot Off Offline

Pirates killer has written
There is less than one page of minecraft maps in whole file category

Go fuck yourself, really, go and fuck yourself. You couldn't even search for "minecraft" in the fucking search bar.
We have enough of these shitty maps, now stop.

Making a decent map for cs2d is pretty hard if you're inexperienced, making a Minecraft map that's decent is even harder. So please, don't do this again.


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@user Mora: Ye i rememeber , gold days of minecraft , any way thanks for the like :3..


User Off Offline

About map, isn't bad at all, but anyway i've play that server only when this map is there, bcs there is always Rush
/remember old times, brokidfriend :3
I like it!


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@user Mora: it was writing mistake , just edited it..


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@user Kirito2K: has written
i'm god of mapping

You? not, i'm sure not.
I like it!


User Off Offline

@user gamus: and user KimKart : Really ?
There is less than one page of minecraft maps in whole file category , and u said we have enough of this ?

@user DaisukeOno: Thanks.

@user KimKart: Really ? i uploaded this once before but older version , some us users said it don't look like minecraft at all like user SmD in his video , so i made it look like minecraft , if you want adventure map ask Yates huh , i'm not god of mapping so i make the map u 100% love.
edited 1×, last 08.07.15 04:39:04 pm


User Off Offline

It's a decent map, but as user KimKart said, we have enough of that shit.


Idiot Off Offline

This made me really depressed.
Don't we already have enough of shit minecraft maps?


User Off Offline

Good Map !
I like it!
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