
> > CS2D > Lua Scripts > [OR] Map Tile Editor
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13 comments8 kb, 473 Downloads

old [OR] Map Tile Editor

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flame Features
• All tools that relate to tile from in-game editor*.
• Using the same way as in-game editor to set tiles.
• Greater performance than the previous one.
• New tools, replace tiles with tile and copy area of tiles.
• Undo and redo if you have done something wrong.

spam Predicted Questions
Is this script is really different between your previous script?
     I rewrote it from scratch but it doesn't mean this script doesn't include something from my previous script.
I didn't see tile blend, brightness, properties, etc. changer.
     CS2D doesn't let this script changes the blend brightness, propeties, etc.
I didn't see any performance improvement.
     Block image in this script is scaled so it costs less performance.
     Block image in previous script is multiplied so it costs more performance.
If I pressed server action 1 button then pressed it again or Esc button the tileset image wasn't removed.
     Please try to avoid double-press of server action 1 button and Esc button if you opened tile menu.
     Please press Cancel button at the bottom of the menu to avoid them.
     I'm trying to figure out how to remove the double-press issue, but Esc button can't be fixed.

illegal Rules
• You are allowed to use these scripts in your server.
• You are allowed to edit these scripts for your server.
• You are not allowed to use any part of these scripts without permission.
• You are not allowed to say these scripts are yours.

off-topic Installation
1. Download the file and then extract it into your Counter-Strike 2D directory.
2. Open Counter-Strike 2D application.
3. Choose one of these following ways.
      a. Create a server and set maptileeditor.lua as mp_luaserver file.
      b. Put maptileeditor.lua in autorun folder and create a server.
      c. Rename maptileeditor.lua to server.lua and create a server.

edited 4×, last 30.11.15 02:13:33 pm
Approved by Infinite Rain

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8 kb, 473 Downloads


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I will give it a like once it's more advanced. At the moment it isn't better than the regular editor (although your tile a lot better than file cs2d [WIP] WorldEdit v0.3a in its current state ;)).


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Well i wish to have put some actions like dynwall or delays


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That's because it would take more time than write this message and get an answer.


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Why don't you just download the file and run it in CS2D to see what will happen?


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No, I was just asking what kind of method you were using to edit the map. It seems it's not settile but command image with frame:X mode.


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@user Rainoth: It's really different with file cs2d [WIP] WorldEdit v0.3a . That file uses command to edit the map, while this is more like using GUI to edit the map. You think it comes from that file or what?


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@user 71: I don't understand your question here. Well I think the answer is no. It doesn't place image of selected tile on original tile.

@user The Gajos: Let me guess, you download my file then check what is inside my file. You found out that there's a file called getimagesize.lua. You opened the file with some kind of text editor and found out who made the file. Hm. Get image size is really cool, you thought. Came back here, commented my file with..


The Gajos
BANNED Off Offline

The best in this file is Get Image Size
By: MikuAuahDark
I like it!



So, it places Image of tile on original tile, by covering it with lowest mask?
I like it!


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Hmmm... Not bad.
I like it!


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Ohh.. I was working on similar script. gj
I like it!
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