This LUA allows you to make a menu easier and better(so you don't need to create if,elseif,if men==bla, etc. at menu hook)
Features Object-like sytem (maybe) good syntax No need a hook(this lua itself use hook) for menu handling.
How to Install
Note: it's not like another script, this script is special.
1. Extract menu.lua at sys/lua folder
2. Open server.lua and write this at end of file
If you only use this code:
You may gonna getting "attempt to call a nil value" errors(at hooks) and "attempt to index field 'Menu' (a nil value)" errors
3. Save
Reserved Global Variables New* Menu**
* - This variable doesn't re-created if it's already exist
** - It can to be a name that you like, where Menu=dofile("sys/lua/menu.txt") holds all the table
Information Hooks: 1(menu) Size: 1384 Bytes(*_desc.lua 3248 Bytes)
Example Example Code(Shows a example menu at player with ID 1)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
MenuHandle=Menu.New("This is a menu",{
	{"Selection 1",function(id,men,sel)
		msg2(id,"You press selection 1 at \"""\"")
		msg2(id,"You cancel the menu selection!")
msg("Menu handle is "..tostring(MenuHandle).."(ID "..#MenuHandle.." Title "..(-MenuHandle)..")")
Selection manipulation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Handle=Menu.New("Menu Title",{
	{"Selectiin 1",function(id,men,sel) end},
local function temp(id,men,sel)
Handle:SetSel(1,"Selection 1",temp)
Functions Used variable name is Handle Menu.New(title{striing},selection{table}) Creates a new Menu Handle Parameters: title - The menu title selection - The selection table. Format is {[selection_id]={"Selection Name",selection_function},...}(Separated by comma) Returns: The menu handle{table}(modified) Example:
Handle:Show(id{number}) Show the menu Parameters: id - The player that want you to show the menu(or 0 for all players) Returns: None Example:
Handle:Show(5) -- Show menu for ID 5
Handle:SetTitle(title{string}) Set the menu title(same as Handle.title="The title") Parameters: title - The new title Returns: None Example:
Handle:SetTitle("Menu Title")
Handle:SetSel(selection_number{number},selection_name{string},selection_function{function}) Change the selection informaton at specific number Parameters: selection_number - The selection number(0-9) selection_name - The selection name, put empty string for selection 0(or put nil if you don't want to change this information) selection_function - The function to be executed when the selection is pressed(or put nil if you don't want to change this information) Returns: None Example:
1. Feedbacks? suggestions? bugs? always on comments
2. I'm currently cannot find good name for this script
Rules You can use it for your server You can edit it You can upload at another website, say MikuAuahDark or MikuAuahDark made t You can't say this is yours You can't upload on another website without put me on credits